•Observe the speed limit of 300 mm/sec. (1.08 km/hr) when moving device. Do not move device on unleveled floor. Do not tilt device 15 ° or more.
(Section 2.1,Page
•Choose the location to place device where the slope is less than 15 °. (Only left and right direction from view of operator’s side.)
(Section 2.1,Page
•Choose the location to place device where there is no condensation.
(Section 2.1,Page
•Choose the location to place device where the slope is less than 15 °.
(Section 2.4,Page
•The voltage is constantly in unless the machine is unplugged or Breaker Switch is turned off. (Section 4.1,Page
•Unplug the Power Supply Cable prior to connecting the power supply source.
(Section 4.1,Page
•Be careful not to have other personnel plug in the power cable while performing the connecting. (Section 4.1,Page
Safety 3