5.3Check the print contamination
1)Push the [Printer] switch in the main menu screen.
[Main Menu]
2)Push the [Test Print] switch in the printer menu screen. [Printer Menu]
Test Print
3) The way of test printing is as follows.
Printer / Test Print / Print Quality / Text File 4% / Tray * / Elevator Tray /
Color Duplex / 1 (Copies)
* Input either tray
4)Confirm that there is no printing contamination when sampling print samples. If contaminated print samples, clean the contaminated parts or continuous printing.
5.4Confirmation of the stapling
When DDP92/184 Standard Finisher or DDP92/184 Booklet Finisher was installed. 1) The way of test printing is as follows.
Printer / Test Print / Finishing Test / Staple : Booklet / 1 (Tray)
2) It is returned automatically to the main menu, and three sheets of paper are stapled.
L00 Installation