4- Real-Time Strip Chart Recorder

Running the Motors

case the power level will be the one needed to keep the Amps within the limit. Note that the display value is not signed and thus does not provide rotation direction information.

The Ana fields contain the analog input values that are measured and reported by the con- troller. When the controller is in the position mode with Analog Feedback, the Ana1 and Ana2 fields will display the position sensed on the feedback potentiometer. When in speed mode, these fields display the measured speed by the tachometers. When the controller is in Analog command mode, the Ana 1 and Ana 2 show the vale of the command potentiom- eter, while the feedback is on Ana 3 and Ana 4.

In all other modes, this field will display the value at the analog input pin. A small button next to this field will toggle the display caption, and change the conversion algorithm from raw analog, to volts or temperature.

Note that in order to measure and display the external temperature or voltage, the proper external components must be added to the controller. See “Connecting External Ther- mistor to Analog Inputs” on page 65 and “Using the Analog Inputs to Monitor External Voltages” on page 66.

The Enc field contains the speed or position (depending on the selected operating mode) measured by the Optical Encoder if enabled.

The Temp field displays the temperature at the Output Power Transistors for each channel

The Bat Volt field displays the main battery’s voltage (voltage applied at the Vmot tabs).

The Ctrler Volt field displays the controller’s internal regulated 12V voltage.

4- Real-Time Strip Chart Recorder

This chart will plot the actual Amps consumption and other parameters as measured from the controller. When active, the chart will show measurement during the last five seconds.

Traces for most parameters can be displayed or hidden by clicking on the checkboxes found next to their numeric fields.

5- Transmit and Receive Data

These two fields show the data being exchanged between the PC and the controller. While these fields are updated too fast to be read by a person, they can be used to verify that a dialog is indeed taking place between the two units.

After the Start button is pressed, the Tx field will show a continuous string of commands and queries sent to the controller.

The Rx field will display the responses sent by the controller. If this field remains blank or is not changing even though the Tx field shows that data is being sent, then the controller is Off or possibly defective. Try resetting the controller and pressing the Run/Stop button.

These two fields are provided for quick diagnostic. Use the Console Tab for full visibility on the data exchange between the controller and the PC.

6- Input Status and Output Setting

This section includes two check boxes and three color squares. The check marks are used to activate either of the controller’s two outputs. The color blocks reflect the status of the

AX3500 Motor Controller User’s Manual


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RoboteQ AX3500 user manual Running the Motors, Real-Time Strip Chart Recorder, Transmit and Receive Data