RS232 Encoder Command Set

RS232 Encoder Command Set

RS232 Encoder Command Set

The Encoder module responds to a dedicated set of commands and queries.

The serial port setting and basic command format is identical to this for all other functions of the controller as described in “Serial (RS-232) Controls and Operation” on page 135.

Read Encoder Counter


Read the value of the Encoder counter(s). The number is a signed 32 bit number that may range from -2,147,836,648 to +2,147,836,647. The value is output in Hexadecimal format of value 80000000 to 7FFFFFFF respectively. To speed up communication, only the signifi- cant digits are sent in response to a counter query. For example, if the counter contains the value +5 (which is the same number in decimal and hex), the response to the query will be 5 and not 00000005. The formatting algorithm takes into account the number’s sign. Details on the data format are given in section

Counters’ values can be read as Absolute or Relative. An Absolute counter read will return the full counter value after every read query. In a Relative counter read, the counter value is immediately cleared immediately after being read so that the next read query returns the new number of counts since the last time the counter was read.

Additionally, in a few of the query modes, the Encoder module returns the sum for both counters. This is useful for measuring the average travelled distance by the right and left wheels of a robotic vehicle.


?q or Qn

Where n=

0: Encoder 1, Absolute


1: Encoder 2, Absolute


2: Sum of Encoders 1 and 2, Absolute


4: Encoder 1, Relative


5: Encoder 2, Relative


6: Sum of Encoders 1 and 2, Relative




nnnnnnnn = counter value using 1 to 8 Hex digits. See “Counter Read


Data Format” on page 167 for format description




Read Encoder 1, Absolute


Read Encoder 2, Relative

Set/Reset Encoder Counters and Destination Registers


Set one or both counters to zero or a user-defined value. The value is a signed 32 bit num- ber that may range from -2,147,836,648 to +2,147,836,647 (Hexadecimal format of value 80000000 to 7FFFFFFF respectively.

AX3500 Motor Controller User’s Manual


Page 159
Image 159
RoboteQ AX3500 RS232 Encoder Command Set, Read Encoder Counter, Set/Reset Encoder Counters and Destination Registers