1.........1 A..........A k........King
2.........2 B..........B q........Queen
3.........3 c..........C r........Rook
4.........4 D..........D b........Bishop
5.........5 E..........E n........Knight
6.........6 F..........F p........Pawn
7.........7 G..........G sb......Standard
8.........8 H..........H board
PM.......... Indicates player to move
S............. Indicates black to move
:.............Steady colon indicates that figures
are Minutes and Seconds
:.............Flashing colon indicates that figures
are Hours and Minutes
ch:)) .....Black in check
ch:__ .....White in check
EnD)...... Checkmate – black wins
EnD(...... Draw
te:.......... Teach Mode
o(:3........ Openings Coach (Spanish Opening)
– computer plays both sides
o_:3........ Openings Coach (Spanish Opening)
– computer plays white
o):3........ Openings Coach (Spanish Opening)
– computer plays black
o :3........ Openings Coach (Spanish Opening)
– computer plays neither
Figure 1. Display Symbols and Sounds SOUND
1 high tone........ Acknowledge operation of
any key or sensory
1 low tone.......... Error: Wrong move or
wrong key pressed
2 low tones........ Warning from Coach
3 high tones...... New Game or Sound and
Coach set
3 low tones........ In games against the
clock, time has run out