Nosozliklarni bartaraf etish

Nosozliklarni bartaraf etish








Eritish funksiyasi ishlamayapti.

Haddan tashqari ko‘p taom

Taomni kamaytirib, funksiyani qayta








Ichki chiroq xira yonadi yoki

Eshigi uzoq vaqt ochiq qolgan.

Eko funksiyasi ishlaganida ichki chiroq

umuman yonmaydi.


avtomatik ravishda o‘chishi mumkin.




Eshikni yopib-oching yoki СТОП/ЭКО




(TO‘XTATISH/EKO) tugmasini bosing.







Ichki chiroq yot jism bilan to‘silib

Pech ichini tozalab, keyin tekshirib








Tayyorlash paytida signal tovushi

Avtomatik tayyorlash funksiyasi

Taomni ag‘dargach, qayta


ishlatilayotgan bo‘lsa, signal berilgani

boshlash uchun СТАРТ/+30СЕК



taomni ag‘darish payti kelganini

(BOSHLASH/+30s) tugmasini yana








Pech tekis joylashmagan.

Pech notekis joyga o‘rnatilgan.

Pech tekis, qimirlamaydigan yuzaga




o‘rnatilganiga ishonch hosil qiling.




Pishirish paytida uchqun

Pech/eritish funksiyasida metall idish

Metall idish ishlatmang.







Tok ulangan zahoti pech ishlab

Eshigi yaxshi yopilmagan.

Eshikni yopib, tekshirib ko‘ring.







Pechga tekkanda tok urmoqda.

Vilka yoki rozetka tegishlicha yerga

Vilka va rozetka tegishlicha yerga




ulanganiga ishonch hosil qiling.






Suv tomchilamoqda.

Taomga qarab, ba’zi hollarda suv

Pechni sovitib, keyin quruq idish


Eshik tirqishidan bug‘

yoki bug‘ chiqishi mumkin. Bu pech

sochig‘i bilan arting.



nosozligi emas.



Pechda suv qolmoqda.



Pech uchun havo aylanishiga yetarli

Qurilmani o‘rnatish yo‘riqnomasida





bo‘shliq yo‘q.

ko‘rsatilgan ventilyatsiya oraliqlarni








Pech ichidagi yorqinlik turlicha.

Funksiyasiga qarab, chiqarilgan

Pishirish paytida chiqarilgan quvvat



quvvat o‘zgargani sayin yorqinlik ham

o‘zgarishi nosozlik emas. Bu pech




nosozligi emas.





30  O'zbek







Pishirish tugallandi, lekin sovitish

Pech havosini almashtirish uchun

Bu pech nosozligi emas.

ventilyatori haliyam ishlayapti.

pishirish tugaganidan so‘ng 3



daqiqacha ventilyator ishlab turadi.





Aylanuvchi patnis






Aylanayotganida patnis o‘rnidan

Rolikli taglik yo‘q yoki joyiga to‘g‘ri

Rolikli taglikni o‘rnatib, qayta urinib

chiqib ketadi yoki aylanishdan









Aylanuvchi patnis to‘xtab-to‘xtab

Rolikli taglik joyida emas, taom

Taom miqdorini o‘zgartiring va o‘ta


haddan tashqari ko‘p yoki idish juda

katta idish ishlatmang.


katta, pech devoriga tegib qolmoqda.





Aylanuvchi patnis aylanayotganida

Pech tagiga ovqat qoldig‘i tiqilib

Pech tagiga yopishib qolgan ovqat

taraqlaydi, shovqin chiqaradi.


qoldiqlarini olib tashlang.




MS22M8054AK_BW_DE68-04445T-01_UZ.indd 30

2017-11-29 ￿￿ 6:24:35

Page 138
Image 138
Samsung MS22M8054AK/BW Haddan tashqari ko‘p taom, Tayyorlanmoqda Boshlang, Umuman yonmaydi, Qolgan Ko‘ring, Chiqmoqda

MS22M8054AW/BW, MS22M8054AK/BW specifications

The Samsung MS22M8054AK/BW and MS22M8054AW/BW are innovative microwave ovens designed with modern users in mind, showcasing advanced technology and user-friendly features that cater to a variety of cooking needs.

One of the standout features of these microwaves is the Smart Sensor technology, which automatically adjusts cooking times and power levels for optimal results. This ensures that your meals are cooked evenly and thoroughly, taking the guesswork out of microwave cooking. Whether you're defrosting, reheating leftovers, or cooking a meal from scratch, the Smart Sensor technology simplifies the process.

Both models come equipped with a ceramic enamel interior that promotes easy cleaning and prevents the buildup of bacteria. This material is particularly beneficial for maintaining hygiene standards in the kitchen, as it resists stains and odors. Additionally, the ceramic enamel surfaces can be wiped clean quickly, keeping maintenance to a minimum.

The Samsung MS22M8054AK/BW and MS22M8054AW/BW also feature a sleek and modern design, making them an attractive addition to any kitchen countertop. The eco mode helps save energy by using less power when the microwave is not in use, aligning with sustainability ideals and reducing utility bills.

With a generous 22-liter capacity, these microwaves provide ample space for a wide range of dishes, accommodating everything from modest meals to larger containers. The 800-watt power output ensures quick and efficient cooking, while the multiple power levels offer flexibility for different cooking tasks.

The inclusion of preset cooking modes is another benefit, allowing users to quickly select options for popular foods such as popcorn, pizza, and beverages. This feature enhances convenience and ensures that users can achieve perfect results every time.

Safety is also a priority with these microwave models. They come with a child lock function that prevents accidental operation, offering peace of mind for households with young children. Additionally, the easy-to-read digital display provides clear visibility of settings and timers.

In summary, the Samsung MS22M8054AK/BW and MS22M8054AW/BW are versatile, efficient, and stylish microwave ovens equipped with Smart Sensor technology, a ceramic enamel interior, and a range of convenient features. These models are designed to enhance everyday cooking experiences while maintaining ease of use and energy efficiency.