Pechdan foydalanish

Mikroto'lqinli pechning ishlash tamoyili

Mikroto'lqinlar yuqori chastotali elektromagnit to'lqinlardir; mikroto'lqinlardan ajralib chiqadigan quvvatlar taomlarni tayyorlash yoki ularning shakli va ranglarini o'zgartirmasdan isitishga imkon beradi.

Mikroto'lqinli pechdan quyidagilar uchun foydalanish mumkin:

Muzdan tushirish


Taom tayyorlash

Taom tayyorlash tamoyili.

1.Magnetron tomonidan hosil qilinadigan chuqurlikdan

qaytarilgan mikroto'lqinlar aylanuvchi patnisda taomni aylantirish jarayonida bir tekis taqsimlanadi. Shuning hisobiga taom bir tekis tayyorlanadi.

2. Mikroto'lqinlar mahsulot ichiga 1 dyuym (2,5 sm) chuqurlikkacha kiradi. Keyin issiqlikning mahsulot ichida tarqalishi hisobiga pishirish davom ettiriladi.

3.Tayyorlash vaqti foydalaniladigan idishlar va mahsulotning quyidagi xususiyatlariga bog'liq ravishda turlicha bo'ladi:

Miqdori va zichligi

Tarkibidagi suv miqdori

Boshlang'ich harorat (mahsulotning muzlatilganligi yoki yo'qligi)


Tayyorlanayotgan taomning markaziy qismi issiqlikning yoqilishi hisobiga tayyorlanganligi uchun taom tayyorlash jarayoni hattoki taom pechdan olingandan keyin ham davom ettiriladi. Shuning uchun quyidagilarni ta'minlash uchun taom retseptlari va ushbu yo'riqnomada ko'rsatilgan taomning kutish vaqtiga amal qilish lozim:

Taomni markazigacha bir tekis tayyorlash.

Taomning butun hajmi bo'yicha bir xil harorat.

Pechning to'g'ri ishlashini tekshirish

Quyida bayon qilingan oddiygina protsedura istalgan vaqtda pechning to'g'ri ishlayotganligini tekshirish imkonini beradi. Agar sizda pechning ishlashi to‘g‘risida shubhalar bo‘lsa, 29-sahifadagi “Nosozliklarni bartaraf etish” bo‘limiga qarang.


Pech o'zgaruvchan tok tarmog'ining mos rozetkasiga ulangan bo'lishi kerak. Pechga aylanuvchi patnis o'rnatilgan bo'lishi kerak. Agar maksimal quvvatdan (100 % - 850 Vt) boshqa quvvat ishlatilsa, suv kechroq qaynaydi.

Pech eshigini oching. Aylanuvchi patnisga suv quyilgan stakanni joylashtiring. Eshikchani yoping.

Yuqoriga yoki Pastga tugmasini kerakli marta bosish orqali vaqtni 4 yoki 5 daqiqaga qo‘ying.

Pechdagi suv 4 yoki 5 daqiqa davomida isiydi. Keyin suv qaynashi kerak.

O'zbek  11

Pechdan foydalanish

MS22M8054AK_BW_DE68-04445T-01_UZ.indd 11

2017-11-29 ￿￿ 6:24:31

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Image 119
Samsung MS22M8054AW/BW Pechdan foydalanish, Mikrotolqinli pechning ishlash tamoyili, Pechning togri ishlashini tekshirish

MS22M8054AW/BW, MS22M8054AK/BW specifications

The Samsung MS22M8054AK/BW and MS22M8054AW/BW are innovative microwave ovens designed with modern users in mind, showcasing advanced technology and user-friendly features that cater to a variety of cooking needs.

One of the standout features of these microwaves is the Smart Sensor technology, which automatically adjusts cooking times and power levels for optimal results. This ensures that your meals are cooked evenly and thoroughly, taking the guesswork out of microwave cooking. Whether you're defrosting, reheating leftovers, or cooking a meal from scratch, the Smart Sensor technology simplifies the process.

Both models come equipped with a ceramic enamel interior that promotes easy cleaning and prevents the buildup of bacteria. This material is particularly beneficial for maintaining hygiene standards in the kitchen, as it resists stains and odors. Additionally, the ceramic enamel surfaces can be wiped clean quickly, keeping maintenance to a minimum.

The Samsung MS22M8054AK/BW and MS22M8054AW/BW also feature a sleek and modern design, making them an attractive addition to any kitchen countertop. The eco mode helps save energy by using less power when the microwave is not in use, aligning with sustainability ideals and reducing utility bills.

With a generous 22-liter capacity, these microwaves provide ample space for a wide range of dishes, accommodating everything from modest meals to larger containers. The 800-watt power output ensures quick and efficient cooking, while the multiple power levels offer flexibility for different cooking tasks.

The inclusion of preset cooking modes is another benefit, allowing users to quickly select options for popular foods such as popcorn, pizza, and beverages. This feature enhances convenience and ensures that users can achieve perfect results every time.

Safety is also a priority with these microwave models. They come with a child lock function that prevents accidental operation, offering peace of mind for households with young children. Additionally, the easy-to-read digital display provides clear visibility of settings and timers.

In summary, the Samsung MS22M8054AK/BW and MS22M8054AW/BW are versatile, efficient, and stylish microwave ovens equipped with Smart Sensor technology, a ceramic enamel interior, and a range of convenient features. These models are designed to enhance everyday cooking experiences while maintaining ease of use and energy efficiency.