Chapter 1 | Quick Start |
1.4System Connections
S e n s o r
I n - V a c
C a b l e
F e e d t h r o u g h
6 " B N C C a b l e
S o u r c e Shutter
B N C | Evaporation Supply |
C a b l e s |
| O u t p u t C o n t r o l I n p u t |
| G r o u n d W i r e |
This section identifies typical system components and their connection:
System Components
6” BNC Cable
Sensor Input BNC Cable
Control Output BNC Cable
Ground Wire
Holds the quartz crystal used to measure rate and thickness. Crystals must be replaced occasionally.
A coaxial cable that connects the sensor to the feedthrough.
Provides isolation between vacuum and atmosphere for electrical and cooling lines.
Provides a flexible connection from the feedthrough to the oscillator. Keep this cable as short as possible.
Contains the electronics to operate the quartz crystal. Total cable length to the crystal should be under 40”.
Connects the oscillator to the
Connects the
A wire, typically braided, that connects the vacuum system to the