Chapter 3 | Menus |
A description of each parameter on the Layer Edit Menu follows:
Initial Rate: The beginning rate of deposition for this layer.
Final Thickness: The desired final thickness of this layer. The deposition phase of this layer will end when this thickness is reached.
Time Setpoint: Sets an arbitrary time, after deposition begins, when the time setpoint relay is activated.
Thickness Limit: Sets an arbitrary thickness when the thickness limit relay is activated.
Start Mode: Determines whether a layer begins automatically upon completion of the previous layer. If Manual start is selected, the previous layer ends at its idle power and waits for the user to push the Start button.
Ramp 1: During the deposition of a layer, it may be desirable to change the deposition rate. For example, you may want to deposit slowly at first, then increase the rate once an initial thickness is reached. Enabling rate ramps provides that capability. Once enabled, these parameters are added to the list.
Start Thickness: The deposited thickness at which the new rate will begin.
Ramp Time: Time allowed for the rate to change from initial rate to new rate.
New Rate: The rate of deposition, which is reached at the end of Ramp 1.
Ramp 2: Two rate ramps are available for each layer. The start thickness for Ramp 2 should be greater than the start thickness for Ramp 1.