5 |
Forcing a Circuit
(The HHM's circuit forcing capability must be enabled to perform this function). Display the circuit you want to force. Press F3 (force).
For a discrete circuit, the HHM displays:
m o n o n o f f r e l e s
Press F2 (on) or F3 (off) to force the circuit. The forced state appears on line 3. To release the force, press F3 (reles).
For an analog circuit, the HHM displays:
S T S 4 |
f o r c e | r e l e a s e |
Press F2 (force) to force the circuit. The screen next displays:
F O R C E T O :
Press F2 (chng). Enter the force value, then press F3 (entr). The forced value will appear on line 3.
F R C 1
> r e f f o r c e d i a g
To release the force, press F4 (release) from the force/releasescreen.
Displaying and Clearing Remote Drop Faults
To display diagnostics for a circuit, press F4 (diag) from the Monitor screen. If there is a fault, it appears on line 3. For example:
D I A G | 3 | |
1 4 3 # O . 3 % I | 3 3 | |
O V E R C U R R E N T |
m o n | n x t | |
If there is no fault on the circuit you are monitoring, the
D I A G | 3 | |
1 4 3 # O . 2 % A I | 1 |
U N D E R R A N G E |
m o n | n x t | |
The HHM identifies the location where the fault occurred (on line 2). From this screen, you can display additional faults on the remote drop by pressing F4 (nxt). Faults will appear in the same sequence in which they occurred. For example,if the fourth oldest is being shown, pressing F4 (nxt) displays the fifth oldest, and so on.
To return to the Monitor screen you started from, press F1 (mon).
Clearing Faults
After correcting fault±causing conditions, you can return to the Block/Bus Status menu to clear all fault messages for the remote drop. (The Clear Block Faults function must be enabled to use this feature).