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Operating Error Messages
The HHM may display one of the messages shown below when the ON/OFF key is pressed or during operation. If a message appears, press the Clear key, then follow any action suggested.
E : N O A C T I V E A D D R
No active device has been selected, so many functions do not operate. See page
E : K E Y = M O N T R O N L Y
Place the keyswitch in Configure mode (the key must be present). Press Clear, then retry the operation. Press Enter.
E : F N C T N D I S A B L E D
The function just selected is disabled by the HHM's current configuration. Press the Clear key to remove the message.
E : C O M M E R R O R
HHM cannot communicate with the device. If the HHM is connected directly to a device which is not on an operating bus, be sure a terminating resistor is connected across Serial 1 and Serial 2. If the message returns, check the bus controller and HHM cable connections. Try other devices.
E : E E P R O M F A I L U R E
If you are using the HHM to configure or force a block, clear the message and go to Block/Bus Status menu. Press the Clear key. If the block's Unit OK LED continues to blink, power down the block and replace the TerminalAssembly, configuring the replacement to match the original.
The HHM and block have been set for different baud rates: one is set for 153.6Kbaud standard and the other is set for 153.6 Kbaud extended (the HHM will not communicate with the bus if any baud rate conflict exists). All devices on the bus must be set to the same baud rate.
Additional Messages: The following additional messages may appear during normal system use:
E : F N C T N D I S A B L E D
E : N O S U C H D E V I C E
E : M O N I T O R O N L Y
Configuration Error Messages
The following messages may appear while configuring a bus device. They usually indicate an incorrect selection.
E : C O N F I G P R O T E C T
The device's configuration is protected, its features cannot be changed. To configure the block, disable Configuration Protection.
E : N O T O N B L O C K
To configure the Device Number, connect the HHM directly to that device.
E : D U P B L O C K N O
The Device Number has already been assigned. This message only appears if the device is connected to a operating bus. Another number must be assigned to one of the devices in conflict.
E : D U P L I / O R E F S
The PLC Reference Number conflicts with or overlaps one already assigned to another device on the bus. Assign a different reference to one of the devices in conflict.
E : O U T O F R A N G E
The Reference Number is too high.
E : N O T B Y T E B N D R Y
The Reference Number does not begin on a byte boundary (1, 9, 17 . . .).
E : I N V A L D B L K C F G
The configuration entry is not valid.
E : N O S U C H D E V I C E
The destination device does not exist. Check the Device Number.
E : D I F F B L K T Y P E S
Copy Configuration cannot be used between dissimilar device types.
E : C O P Y E R R O R
An error has occurred during Copy Configuration. Press Clear and try again.
E : F N C T N D I S A B L E D
The function is not currently enabled for the HHM.