Displaying the Configuration Menus

The illustration below shows how to reach the HHM's device configuration menus from the Main Menu.

HFor all devices, you will need to select F3 (Con- figuration) then F1 (Program Block ID) to con- figure a block's required features.

h Device Number (serial bus address). h I/Otypeforinput/outputblocks.

h CPU references. h Baud rate.

For new blocks, this must be done first.

HTo configure Genius blocks, select F3 (Configu- ration) from the Main Menu, then F2 (Config- ure Block) to view and modify other features. Detailed configuration instructions for each type of device are provided in its User's Manual.

You can use F3 (Copy Configuration) to copy a configuration from one block on the same bus to another.

HTo configure a remote drop, continue from the Program Block ID screens to enter the remote map (I/O References) and Drop ID. Then go to

the Configure Block screens to configure re- dundancy and Configuration Protection.

HFor a Field Control device, select either F2 (Analyze) or F3 (Configuration) from the Main Menu. The HHM will then display a special set of screens for Field Control. (The currently-ac- tive device must be the Field Control device for these screens to appear. See page 4-7 if you need instructions to select the active device).

If the message E: CONFIG PROTECT appears, you can remove Configuration Protection by:

1.Going through the configuration screens to reach the Configuration Protection screen.

2.Pressing F2 (Toggle) to select either DISABLED or ENABLED.

3.Pressing F3 (Enter) to save the selection.

4.Pressing F4 (Next) to go to the first configura- tion display, D MENU to return to the Configu- ration menu, or HOME to return to the Home menu.

Displaying the HHM Configuration Menus


F 1 : H H M U T I L I T I E S

F 2 : A N A L Y Z E

F 3 : C O N F I G U R A T I O N

F 4 : D E V I C E M E M O R Y

F2 or F3

F 1 : P R O G B L O C K I D

F 2 : C O N F I G B L O C K

F 3 : C O P Y C O N F I G F 4 :

F 1 : M o n i t o r

F 2 : C o n f i g u r a t i o n


All Devices

P R O G B L O C K I D I / O (device references) B L O C K N O . (device)

r e f b l k

n x t





















F R O M :

n T O :




c h n g

e n t r


Field Control


Configure a Remote


Remote I/O Scanner

Configure an

I/O Block

Genius Blocks

and Remote I/O Scanner

F 1 : G E N I U S


F 2 : M o d u l e

C o n f i g

F 3 : P r e v i o u s M e n u


Chapter 4 Device Configuration: Overview


Page 30
Image 30
Socket Mobile GFK0121E manual Displaying the Configuration Menus