RetrievingYourVoicemail Messages
You can review your messages directly from your wireless phone or from any other
▶Press and hold . (Your phone will dial your voicemail box.)
UsingtheMenuKeysonYourPhonetoAccessYour Messages
1.Select >Messaging>Voicemail.
2.Select CallVoicemail to listen to your messages.
Note: You are charged for airtime minutes when you are accessing your voicemail from your wireless phone.
UsingaPhoneOtherThanYourWirelessPhoneto AccessMessages
1.Dial your wireless phone number.
2.When your voicemail answers, press .
3.Enter your passcode.
Tip: | When you call into voicemail, you firsthear the header |
| information (date, time, and sender information) for the |
| message.To skip directly to the message, press 4during the |
| header. |
Sprint Service
Section 3A: Sprint Service Features – The Basics | 183 |