Settingthe Delivery Receiptfor SMSTextMessaging
You can set to receive a delivery receipt message confirming that your message was successfully delivered to your recipient.
To setthe delivery receipt:
1.Select >Settings > Messaging >Text> Delivery Receipt.
2.Select On or Off.
Note: The Delivery Receipt feature may not currently be implemented.
SettingDraftsAlertfor SMSTextMessaging
Drafts Alert gives you a reminder when you have unsent messages waiting in the drafts folder.
1.Select >Settings > Messaging >Text> Drafts Alert.
2.Select On or Off.
Settingthe Speakerphone for SMSVoice Messaging
You can set the speakerphone on or off for SMS Voice messaging. By default, the speakerphone is set to on.
Tosetthespeakerphone onor off:
1.Select >Settings > Messaging >VoiceSMS > Speakerphone.
2.Select On or Off.
Section 2B: Controlling Your Phone’s Settings | 67 |