Transceiver fails to | No DC voltage to the | a. Check the 12VDC battery connections and | |
power up. | transceiver, or blown | the fuse. | |
| fuse. | b. The PWR key needs to be pressed and held |
| to turn the radio on. |
Transceiver blows fuse | Reversed power | Check the power cable for DC voltage, or re- | |
when connected to | wires. | place the fuse (6A 250V). | |
power supply. |
| Make sure the red wire is connected to the posi- | |
| tive (+) battery post, and the black wire is con- |
| nected to the negative |
| fuse still blows, contact your Dealer. |
Popping or whining | Engine noise. | Reroute the DC power cables away from the | |
noise from the speaker |
| engine. Add noise suppressor on power cable. | |
while engine runs. |
| Change to resistive spark plug wires and/or add | |
| an alternator whine filter. |
Sound is not emitted | Accessory cable. | Check the connections of the accessory cable | |
from the internal or ex- |
| (Possible short circuit on the External speaker | |
ternal speaker. |
| cable WHITE/SHIELD). | |
Receiving station re- | Antenna. | Have the antenna checked or test the trans- | |
port low transmit |
| ceiver with another antenna. If the problem per- | |
power, even with trans- |
| sists, contact your Dealer for servicing. | |
ceiver set to HI power. |
| |
“HI BATTERY” or “LO | The power supply | Confirm that the connected power supply volt- | |
BATTERY” message is | voltage is too high or | age is between 10 volts and 17 volts DC. Con- | |
appeared when the | too low. | firm that the generator has not malfunctioned. | |
power is turned on. |
| |
Your position is not dis- | Accessory cable. | Check the accessory cable connection. | |
played. |
| Some GPS use the battery ground line for | |
| NMEA connection. |
| Setting of the GPS | Check the output signal format of the GPS navi- |
| navigation receiver. | gation receiver. This radio requires NMEA0183 |
| format with GLL, RMB, GGA, or GNS sentence |
| as an output signal. If the GPS has a baud rate |
| setting make sure to select 4800 and parity to |
| NONE. |
GX3000E |
| Page 89 |