Desktop: This is the default screen for the control system. If there are no active faults or warnings the display will return to this screen with no user input after approximately 10 minutes. Information/settings available:
•Tank Temperature (commercial models only)
•Operating Set Point
•Operating States
•Status (Graphical) Icons
Temperatures: This menu contains the user settings and temperature information. Information/settings available:
•Operating Set Point - adjustable
•Differential - adjustable
•Upper Temperature (commercial models only)
•(Heater Regulated to Upper) configuration information
•Upper Probe Offset - adjustable
Heater Status: This menu shows the current operating state of the water heater, Blower, Igniter, Gas Valve and the state of the contacts (open/closed) for the air pressure switches and the ECO along with the state of the CCB S1 dip switches. Information shown in this menu is in real time. Information/settings available:
•Status - operating state (see page 31)
•ECO Contact - open or closed
•Blocked Inlet PS - air pressure switch contacts open or closed
•Blocked Outlet PS - air pressure switch contacts open or closed
•Blower Prover PS - air pressure switch contacts open or closed
•Blower Low On - blower is running at low speed yes/no (N/A models equipped w/ 2 speed blowers)
•Blower High On - blower is running at high speed yes/no
•Igniter On - is currently energized yes/no (yes = energized; no = not energized)
•Igniter Current - igniter current is above minimum 2.0 AC amps yes/no
•Gas Valve On - is currently energized yes/no (yes = energized; no = not energized)
•Flame Detected - flame sensing current is above minimum 1.0 µA yes/no
•External Input Enabled - external control enable/disable circuit activated yes/no
•Ignition Trials - maximum number of retries for ignition 1 or 3 S1 dip switch setting (see page 38)
Display Settings: This menu contains user settings for the UIM display contrast, back light and temperature units. Information/settings available:
•Temperature Units - adjustable Celsius or or Fahrenheit
•Backlight Delay - adjustable - seconds to continuous
•Contrast - adjustable
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