Chapter 6 | Section 6.2 |
Implementing the HTTPS eWay BPEL Sample Projects | HTTPS eWay With eInsight |
Table 10 Receive: Business Rule Designer Output Nodes (Continued)
Node Name | Description |
isSecure | Gets or sets a boolean indicating whether this message was made |
| using a secure channel, such as HTTPS. |
method | Gets or sets the name of the HTTP method with which this message |
| was made; for example, GET, POST, or PUT. |
name (WebHeaderList) | Gets or sets the name of the current Web header list. |
name (WebParameterList) | Gets or sets the value of a request parameter as a String, or null if |
| the parameter does not exist. |
pathInfo | Gets or sets any extra path information associated with the URL the |
| client sent when it made this message. |
pathTranslated | Gets or sets any extra path information after the servlet name but |
| before the query string. |
protocol | Gets or sets the name and version of the protocol the message uses |
| in the form protocol/majorVersion.minorVersion, for example, |
| HTTP/1.1. |
queryString | Gets or sets the query string that is contained in the message URL |
| after the path. |
redirectLocation | Gets or sets the URL to which the client is to be redirected. |
remoteAddr | Gets or sets the Internet Protocol (IP) address of the client that sent |
| the message. |
remoteHost | Gets or sets the fully qualified name of the client that sent the |
| message. |
remoteUser | Gets or sets the |
| has not been authenticated. |
requestedSessionId | Gets or sets the session ID specified by the client. |
requestURI | Gets or sets the part of this message's URL from the protocol name |
| up to the query string in the first line of the HTTP message. |
requestURL | Gets or sets the reconstructed URL the client used to make the |
| request. |
scheme | Gets or sets the name of the scheme used to make this request; for |
| example HTTP, HTTPS, or FTP. |
serverName | Gets or sets the host name of the server that received the message. |
serverPort | Gets or sets the port number on which this message was received. |
servletPath | Gets or sets the part of this request's URL that calls the servlet. |
status | Sets the status of the reply. |
text | Gets or sets the contents of the message as a string. |
values (WebHeaderList) | Gets or sets an array String objects containing all the values |
| contained in the current Web header. |
values (WebParameterList) | Gets or sets an array String objects containing all the values the |
| given request parameter has, or null if the parameter does not exist. |
HTTPS eWay Adapter User’s Guide | 57 | Sun Microsystems, Inc. |