Chapter 7 | Section 7.4 |
Implementing the HTTPS eWay JCD Sample Projects | Building and Deploying the prjHTTPServer_JCD Sample Project |
Selecting External Applications
Follow the steps outlined in “Selecting External Applications” on page 76 to select the external applications for the prjHTTPServer_JCD Project’s Connectivity Map.
Populating the Connectivity Map
Add the Project components to the Connectivity Map by dragging the icons from the toolbar to the canvas. This operation creates the components for you.
For this sample Project, drag and drop the following components onto the Connectivity Map canvas.
One Service
HTTPS eWay/server external application
Figure 55 shows the components in the Connectivity Map.
Figure 55 Connectivity Map With Components: prjHTTPServerJCD
1Rename the Service1 component to jcdHttpServer1.
2Rename the HTTPS external application HTTPServer1.
Be sure to save the new Connectivity Map before you proceed. You can click Save for this purpose.
Defining the Business Process
Define your Business Process by combining the Business Process icon with the Service icon in the Connectivity Map. To do so, drag and drop the jcdHttpServer icon from the Project Explorer tree onto the Connectivity Map’s jcdHttpServer1 Service icon. If the operation is successfully defined, the gears on the jcdHttpServer1 icon change from red to yellow.
Binding the eWay Components
The final step in creating a Connectivity Map is binding the eWay components together.
Steps required to bind eWay components together:
1Open the cmHTTPServer Connectivity Map and
2From the HttpServer1 Binding dialog box, map HTTPSender (under Implemented Services) to the HTTPServer1 External Application. To do this, click on HTTPSender in the HttpServer1 Binding dialog box, and drag the cursor to the
HTTPS eWay Adapter User’s Guide | 109 | Sun Microsystems, Inc. |