Physical devices
‐B(‐‐physical‐tape‐barcode) identifies the physical tape to be moved. If barcode is not provided, the current tape location must be provided accordingly to the requested operation.
‐l(‐‐from‐location‐d) is the current slot or import/export (IE) slot number, or the physical drive virtual ID.
‐t(‐‐to‐location‐id) is the destination slot or IE slot number or the physical drive virtual ID. This does not apply to the IEslot. If the destination is the IEslot, the physical tape will be moved to the first available IEslot.
‐X (‐‐rpc‐timeout) is an option to specify a number between 1 and 30000 in seconds for the RPC timeout. The system will retry the command for the amount of time specified if the server does not respond. The default RPC timeout is 60 seconds.
Eject physical tape
iscon ejectphysicaltape
iscon ejectphysicaltape
This command ejects physical tapes from the specified library.
‐L(‐‐tape‐library‐vid) is the physical library virtual ID where the tapes are located.
‐B(‐‐tape‐barcode‐list) identifies the physical tapes to be ejected. This argument can be a list of barcodes separated with commas. The list should be enclosed in double quotes.
‐A <‐‐acs‐lsm‐cap> is an optional argument representing the Cartridge Access Port for the Automated Cartridge System Library Software libraries. The format of the argument is acs:lsm:cap
‐X (‐‐rpc‐timeout) is an option to specify a number between 1 and 30000 in seconds for the RPC timeout. The system will retry the command for the amount of time specified if the server does not respond. The default RPC timeout is 10,800 seconds.
210 VTL User Guide • May 2008 | G • 96267 |