2.Using Secure File Transfer Protocol (sftp), log on to the VTL server, change to the usr/vtl/packages/build/Windows/ directory, and download all listed installation files to a temporary directory on the client:

%sftp vtladmin@appliance_IP-address sftp> cd /software/Windows/

sftp> ls

data1.cab ikernel.ex_ layout.bin Setup.ini

data1.hdr ISInstall.exe setup.bmp setup.inx


ISInstall.ini Setup.exe

sftp> get *.*


sftp software is not standard with most versions of Microsoft Windows, but various, compatible, third‐party sftp implementations are available, notably the one that comes with the puTTY open‐source terminal‐emulation application.

3.Using Explorer, change to the temporary directory, and double‐click on setup.exe to launch the console installation program.

Stop here.

Launching the VTL console on a remote host

1.To launch the console on a Sun Solaris workstation, open a terminal window and enter the command shown below:

%/usr/local/vtlconsole/vtlconsole &

2.On a Microsoft Windows system, press the Start bar to access the main menu system, and select All Programs > Sun Microsystems> VTL 5.0> VTL Console.

3.To launch the console on a Linux workstation, open a terminal window and enter the command shown below:

%/usr/local/vtlconsole/vtlconsole &

Stop here.

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Sun Microsystems Virtual Tape Library manual Launching the VTL console on a remote host