Physical devices
The <guid> is the unique identifier of the physical device. <ACSL> is the SCSI address of the physical device in the following format: #:#:#:# (adapter:channel:scsi id:lun)
Either ‐i (‐‐guid) or ‐I (‐‐scsiaddress) has to be specified.
‐X (‐‐rpc‐timeout) is an option to specify a number between 1 and 30000 in seconds for the RPC timeout. The system will retry the command for the amount of time specified if the server does not respond. The default RPC timeout is 300 seconds.
Prepare physical device for VTL server
iscon preparedisk
iscon preparedisk
This command allows you to prepare a physical device to be used by an VTL server or reserve a physical device for other usage.
The <guid> is the unique identifier of the physical device. <ACSL> is the SCSI address of the physical device in the following format: #:#:#:# (adapter:channel:scsi id:lun)
Either ‐i (‐‐guid) or ‐I (‐‐scsiaddress) has to be specified.
‐C (‐‐category) is the required to specify the new category for the physical device in one of the following values: unassigned or virtual or direct or service‐enabled.
‐N (‐‐new‐guid) is an option to specify the new guid for the physical device if the new category is ʺvirtualʺ.
If the server is set up for failover, the failover partner has to be rescanned after the disk preparation.
<target‐username> and <target‐password> are options to specify the user name and password for the failover partner.
‐X (‐‐rpc‐timeout) is an option to specify a number between 1 and 30000 in seconds for the RPC timeout. The system will retry the command for the amount of time specified if the server does not respond. The default RPC timeout is 300 seconds.
214 VTL User Guide • May 2008 | G • 96267 |