Virtual devices / Clients
‐X (‐‐rpc‐timeout) is an option to specify a number between 1 and 30000 in seconds for the RPC timeout. The system will retry the command for the amount of time specified if the server does not respond. The default RPC timeout is 30 seconds.
Get supported virtual drives
iscon getsupportedvdrives -s <server-name> [-u <username> -p <password>] [-l [-M <output-delimiter>] ] [-X <rpc-timeout>]
iscon getsupportedvdrives --server-name=<server-name>
[--server-username=<username> --server-password=<password>]
[--longlist [--output-delimiter=<output-delimiter>] ] [--rpc-timeout=<rpc- timeout>]
This command retrieves information about all supported virtual tape drives.
‐l (‐‐longlist) can be specified to get the supported drive information in a long format. The default is to display the information in a list format.
‐M (‐‐output‐delimiter) can be specified when ‐l is specified to replace the linefeed with the specified delimiter. The maximum length of the delimiter is 8.
‐X (‐‐rpc‐timeout) is an option to specify a number between 1 and 30000 in seconds for the RPC timeout. The system will retry the command for the amount of time specified if the server does not respond. The default RPC timeout is 30 seconds.
Create virtual tape library
iscon createvirtuallibrary -s <server-name> [-u <username> -p <password>] -t <vlib-type> [-n <vlib-name>] -d <vdrive-type> [-r <vdrive-name-prefix>] [-R <num-of-drives>] [-A <auto-archive-mode> [-Y <days>] [-J] -N <auto- repl-mode>
-S <target-name> [-M <#[DHM]>] ] [-B <barcode-range>] [-T <num-of-slots>] [-E <import-export-slots>] [-D -I <initial-size> -C <increment-size>]
[-m <max-capacity>] [-L <onoff>] [-k <key-name> -W <key-password>] [-X <rpc- timeout>]
iscon createvirtuallibrary --server-name=<server-name>
[--server-username=<username> --server-password=<password>]
--vlib-type=<vlib-type> [--vlib-name=<vlib-name>] --vdrive-type=<vdrive-type> [--vdrive-name-prefix=<vdrive-name-prefix>] [--num-of-drives=<num-of-drives>] [--auto-archive-mode=<auto-archive-mode> [--delay-delete-days=<days>] [--auto-eject-to-ie] --auto-replication=<auto-repl-mode> --target- name=<target-name>
[--delay-delete-time=<#[DHM]>] ] [--barcode=<barcode-range>]
[--num-of-slots=<num-of-slots>] [--import-export-slots=<import-export-slots>]