iscon createreplicationstatusreport
This command creates a report that displays the status of a specified resource on a specific server.
‐D (‐‐date‐range) is an option to specify the date range to be queried. The date format is YYYYMMDD or YYYYMMDD‐YYYYMMDD. If date range is not specified, the default is todayʹs date.
‐r (‐‐repl‐resource‐type) is an option to specify a generic resourse type to be queried. It can be one of the following:
The default value is TAPE.
‐R <‐‐resource‐list> in an option to report the status of the specified resources only. The argument can be a list of virtual identificators separated with commas or the name of a file enclosed in <> containing the resource ID on each line. All the resources must be of the type specified by ʺ‐rʺ.
■Example 1: ‐R 10000005,10000006
■Example 2: ‐R ʺ<res_id_file.txt>ʺ
‐o (‐‐output‐file) is the file name used to save the report data. If the output filename is not specified, the default filename is: ReplicationStatus‐server‐MM‐DD‐YYYY‐hh‐ mm‐ss[.#]
[.#] is the additional suffix when there is a duplicate.
Specify the ‐f (‐‐force) option if you want to overwrite the existing file if the output file already exists.
‐X (‐‐rpc‐timeout) is an option to specify a number between 1 and 30000 in seconds for the RPC timeout. The default RPC timeout is 300 seconds.
Virtual library information report
iscon createvirlibinforeport
96267 • G | Appendix A VTL command line reference 221 |