Tektronix 480X Caring for Your Printer, Overview, Cleaning is important, Quick cleaning

Models: 480X

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4 Caring for Your Printer


Cleaning is important

This chapter describes how to care for your printer to keep it in peak operating condition. By performing regular cleaning, you can ensure that your printer produces the highest quality prints. Regular cleaning also helps prevent paper jams, smudged prints, skewed images and misregistration. If you clean the printer at intervals suggested in this chapter, you will experience improved print quality, less downtime, and fewer paper handling problems.

Cleaning the Phaser 480X is divided into two types of procedures:

Quick cleaning

Basic cleaning to be done every time you change the transfer roll.

Complete cleaning

Thorough cleaning to be done every 6 months or 2,000 prints or as needed for the highest print quality.

Refer to the table on the next page for a list of the printer components included in Quick Cleaning and Complete Cleaning. You can also look at the procedures for cleaning each component; they are marked to indicate Quick Cleaning and/or Complete Cleaning in the following manner:

Quick Complete

Cleaning Cleaning

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User Manual


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Tektronix 480X user manual Caring for Your Printer, Overview, Cleaning is important, Quick cleaning, Complete cleaning