Tektronix Phaser 480X rear panel switches, Rear panel switches, Switch Function Settings

Models: 480X

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7Front and Rear Panels

Phaser 480X rear panel switches

Rear panel switches









Up: The printer resets and does not accept data while



the switch is in this position.



Down. The printer runs a self-test, then proceeds to run



normally. Leave the switch down for normal operation.




2, 3, and 4


Up. When only Switch 4 is moved from down to up, the



printer prints a configuration page.



Down. Normal operation.





Start Job

Up: The Sys/Start job on the hard disk does not run.



Down: The Sys/Start job runs if the file exists on the




6Cleaning mode Up: At power-up, the printer rotates the rollers for a few seconds, then stops the rotation. See “Cleaning the printer” on page 4-5.

Down: Normal operation.

7Baud Rate Up: Fixed. Sets the serial communication parameters to 1200 baud, software flagging, and ignore parity.


Down: Variable. Lets you change the serial


communication parameters. The factory setting is 9600


baud, software flagging, and ignore parity.



8 and 9

Color correction See table “Switches 8 and 9: Color Correction Mode” on


page 7-3.




Phaser 480X Color Printer

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Tektronix user manual Phaser 480X rear panel switches, Rear panel switches, Switch Function Settings