
CableCARDTM 43 channels 44 closed captioning 47 deleting all 65 display 47 Parental Controls 48 phone & network 58 recording 50 remote control 52 TiVo Suggestions 51 video 56

setup, repeating 65 Showcases 9 slideshows 40 smoothing, video 57 sorting recordings 7 sound effects, volume of 42 SSID 61

Standby mode 66 status bar

about 30 clearing 12

storage 51, 126 suggested programs 8 Suggestions

about 8 clearing 65 settings 51

S-Video jack 124 S-Video jacks 122 system information 64 system restart or reset 65


technical support, contacting 94 thumb ratings

clearing 65

using for suggestions 8 Thumbs Up icon, recording with 12 time

recording programs by 16 the DVR’s clock 105

title, searching by 16 TiVo Desktop 11 TiVo Privacy Policy 69 TiVo® service

about 14

common questions 97 connecting to 58 copy protection and 68

finding your service number 64 messages about 63

TiVo Service Agreement 78 TiVo Suggestions

about 8 clearing 65 settings 51

To Do list about 5 managing 27

tone/pulse setting 60 trademarks 64


upcoming programs, viewing 15

upcoming recordings, viewing 5 USB 125

connecting the USB port 122 firmware updates 61


VCR, saving recordings to 35 video

see also Video Recording Quality settings 56

troubleshooting 110 video output format vi video resolution vii


watching two programs at the same time 3, 102

wireless network name of 61 settings 61

WishList® searches 8, 19 changing 22 viewing results 22 wild cards and 20


Zip Code, entering 96 zoom vi

zoom mode 56, 110


Page 142
Image 142
TiVo SDOC-00091-002 manual 134