Transition Networks |
Port Trunk
The Link Aggregation Control Protocol (LACP) provides a standardized means for exchanging information between Partner Systems on a link to allow their Link Aggregation Control instances to reach agreement on the identity of the Link Aggregation Group to which the link belongs, move the link to that Link Aggregation Group, and enable its transmission and reception functions in an orderly manner. Link aggregation lets you group up to 4 ports into one dedicated connection. This feature can expand bandwidth to a device on the network. LACP operation requires
Aggregator setting
System Priority: A value which is used to identify the active LACP. The switch with the lowest value has the highest priority and is selected as the active LACP.
Group ID: There are four trunk groups to be selected. Choose the "Group ID" and
Select .
LACP: When enabled, the trunk group is using LACP. A port which joins an LACP trunk group has to make an agreement with its member ports first. When disabled, the trunk group is a static trunk group. The advantage of having the LACP disabled is that a port joins the trunk group without any handshaking with its member ports. But member ports won’t know that they should be aggregated together to form a logic trunk group.
Work ports: This column field allows the user to type in the total number of active port up to four. With LACP static trunk group, e.g. you assign four ports to be the members of a trunk group whose work ports column field is set as two; the exceed ports are standby (the LACP State Activity will show ‘Passive’ on the tab of State Activity) and can be aggregated if work ports fail. If it is a static trunk group, the number of work ports must equal the total number of group member ports.
Select the ports to join the trunk group. The system allows four ports maximum to
be aggregated in a trunk group. Click
Add |
to add the port which is focused to
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