Transition Networks


￿Port Base, Tag Base and Type of Service Priority

￿Port Mirror: Monitor traffic in switched networks

￿TX Packet only

￿RX Packet only

￿Both of TX and RX Packet


￿Port Security: MAC address entries/filter

￿IP Security: IP address security management to prevent unauthorized intruder

￿Login Security: IEEE 802.1X/RADIUS

￿IGMP with Query mode for Multi Media Application


￿IP-30 Protection

￿DIN Rail and Wall Mount Design

￿Spanning Tree

￿Support IEEE 802.1d Spanning Tree

￿Support IEEE 802.1w Rapid Spanning Tree


￿X-ring, Dual Homing, and Couple Ring Topology

￿Provide redundant backup feature and the recovery time below 20ms

￿Bandwidth Control

￿Ingress Packet Filter and Egress Rate Limit

￿Broadcast/Multicast Packet Filter Control

￿System Event Log

￿System Log Server/Client

￿SMTP e-mail Alert

￿Relay Alarm Output System Events

￿SNMP Trap

￿Device cold start

￿Power status

￿Authentication failure

￿X-ring topology changed

￿Port Link up/Link down

￿TFTP Firmware Update and System Configuration Restore and Backup

Technical Support: 1-800-260-1312

International: 00-1-952-941-7600


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Transition Networks manual Transition Networks SISGM1040-162D-LR