About This Document








You can contact Zebra Technologies at the following:

Web Site


Technical Support via the Internet is available 24 hours per day, 365 days per year. Go to http://www.zebra.com/support.

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Technical Support

Customer Service Dept.






Zebra Technologies International,

T: +1


ASK ZEBRA (275 9327)

For printers, parts, media, and ribbon,


F: +1


913 2578

please call your distributor, or

333 Corporate Woods Parkway

Hardware: ts1@zebra.com

contact us.

Vernon Hills, Illinois 60061.3109

Software: ts3@zebra.com

T: +1 877 ASK ZEBRA (275 9327)





E: clientcare@zebra.com

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F: +1 847 913 8766










Europe, Africa, Middle East, and India

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Zebra Technologies Europe Limited

T: +44 (0) 1494 768298

For printers, parts, media, and ribbon,

Zebra House

F: +44 (0) 1494 768210

please call your distributor, or

The Valley Centre, Gordon Road

Germany: Tsgermany@zebra.com

contact us.

High Wycombe

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T: +44 (0) 1494 768316

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(0)1494 472872

All other areas: Tseurope@zebra.com

E: cseurope@zebra.com

F: +44

(0) 1494 450103







Asia Pacific

Regional Headquarters

Technical Support

Customer Service




Zebra Technologies Asia Pacific, LLC

T: +65 6858 0722

For printers, parts, media, and ribbon,

120 Robinson Road

F: +65 6885 0838

please call your distributor, or

#06-01 Parakou Building

E: China: tschina@zebra.com

contact us.

Singapore 068913

All other areas:

T: +65 6858 0722

T: +65 6858 0722


F: +65 6858 0836

F: +65 6885 0838







XiIIIPlus/R110Xi/R170Xi User Guide

13383L-004 Rev. A