Ethernet a widely used local area network system based upon the IEEE 802.3 standard.
firmware software routines that are stored in ROM (Read Only Memory). This is typically part of a device, such as a printer or PSII.
FTP File Transfer Protocol, a
Flash memory A type of memory which allows read and write operations, but permanently stores data when the power is turned off. Useful for storing firmware, because it can be easily updated by downloading new code.
gateway A device that converts one
gleaning A temporary, local configuration option. Gleaning lets you add the address of the device you want to configure to your local workstations arp table. This configuration is not permanent and is only valid from the workstation that you entered the arp information to. After the information is entered into the workstations arp table, the user follows up with a telnet session to enter the information permanently. This configuration option is used mostly by
IP Internet Protocol, one of the main protocols of the TCP/IP protocol suite.
IP address A network address used by the TCP/IP protocol.
IPP Internet Printing Protocol. Allows you to associate a printer with a URL address that is used for printing over the Internet.
IPX Internetwork Packet Exchange, one of the NetWare protocols.
JetAdmin A
logical Refers to conceptual rather than physical. For example, a computer might have a single physical connection to the network (an Ethernet adapter card), but could have logical connections to several other devices on the network.
MAC Address Media Access Control. Ethernet address that corresponds to the assigned IP address.
PrintServer II User and Reference Guide | 143 |