Chapter 15 Firewall

15.4 The Rules Screen

Click Security > Firewall > Rules to display the following screen. This screen displays a list of the configured firewall rules. Note the order in which the rules are listed.

Note: The firewall configuration screen shown in this section is specific to the following devices: P-The ordering of your rules is very important as rules are applied in turn.

Figure 87 Security > Firewall > Rules

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 66 Security > Firewall > Rules



Firewall Rules Storage

This read-only bar shows how much of the AMG1312-T Series's memory for

Space in Use

recording firewall rules it is currently using. When you are using 80% or less of the


storage space, the bar is green. When the amount of space used is over 80%, the


bar is red.



Packet Direction

Use the drop-down list box to select a direction of travel of packets for which you


want to configure firewall rules.



Create a new rule

Select an index number and click Add to add a new firewall rule after the selected

after rule number

index number. For example, if you select “6”, your new rule becomes number 7 and


the previous rule 7 (if there is one) becomes rule 8.




The following read-only fields summarize the rules you have created that apply to


traffic traveling in the selected packet direction. The firewall rules that you configure


(summarized below) take priority over the general firewall action settings in the


General screen.




This is your firewall rule number. The ordering of your rules is important as rules are


applied in turn.




This field displays whether a firewall is turned on or not. Select the check box to


enable the rule. Clear the check box to disable the rule.



Source IP Address

This column displays the source addresses or ranges of addresses to which this


firewall rule applies. Please note that a blank source or destination address is


equivalent to Any.



Destination IP Address

This column displays the destination addresses or ranges of addresses to which this


firewall rule applies. Please note that a blank source or destination address is


equivalent to Any.




This column displays the services to which this firewall rule applies. See Appendix F


on page 286 for more information.




This field displays whether the firewall silently discards packets (Drop), discards


packets and sends a TCP reset packet or an ICMP destination-unreachable message


to the sender (Reject) or allows the passage of packets (Permit).



Source Interface

This column displays the source interface to which this firewall rule applies. This is


the interface through which the traffic entered the AMG1312-T Series. Please note


that a blank source interface is equivalent to Any.





AMG1312-T Series User’s Guide