Chapter 23 Multicast

Table 57 Advanced Application > Multicast > Multicast Setting > MVR (continued)




Settings in this row apply to all ports.


Use this row only if you want to make some settings the same for all


ports. Use this row first to set the common settings and then make


adjustments on a port-by-port basis.


Note: Changes in this row are copied to all the ports as soon as you


make them.



Source Port

Select this option to set this port as the MVR source port that sends and


receives multicast traffic. All source ports must belong to a single


multicast VLAN.



Receiver Port

Select this option to set this port as a receiver port that only receives


multicast traffic.




Select this option to set the port not to participate in MVR. No MVR


multicast traffic is sent or received on this port.




Select this checkbox if you want the port to tag the VLAN ID in all


outgoing frames transmitted.




Click Add to save your changes to the Switch’s run-time memory. The


Switch loses these changes if it is turned off or loses power, so use the


Save link on the top navigation panel to save your changes to the non-


volatile memory when you are done configuring.




Click Cancel to begin configuring this screen afresh.




This field displays the multicast VLAN ID.




This field displays whether the multicast group is enabled or not.




This field displays the descriptive name for this setting.




This field displays the MVR mode.



Source Port

This field displays the source port number(s).



Receiver Port

This field displays the receiver port number(s).




This field displays the priority level.




To delete a multicast VLAN(s), select the rule(s) that you want to


remove in the Delete column, then click the Delete button.




Click Cancel to clear the Delete check boxes.

23.6.1 MVR Group Configuration

All source ports and receiver ports belonging to a multicast group can receive multicast data sent to this multicast group.

Configure MVR IP multicast group address(es) in the Group Configuration screen. Click Group Configuration in the MVR screen.



GS2200-24 User’s Guide