
time zone 77 Time (RFC-868) 77 time server 77

time service protocol 77 format 77

trademarks 349

transceiver MultiSource Agreement (MSA) 36

transceivers 36 installation 37 removal 37

traps destination 285

trunk group 157

trunking 157 example 164

trusted ports

ARP inspection 245 DHCP snooping 242

tunnel protocol attribute, and RADIUS 218

tutorials 57

DHCP snooping 57 Type of Service (ToS) 261


UDLD 254

UniDirectional Link Detection, see UDLD untrusted ports

ARP inspection 245 DHCP snooping 242

user profiles 210


Vendor Specific Attribute, See VSA 217 ventilation 29

VID 97, 98

number of possible VIDs 94 priority frame 94

VID (VLAN Identifier) 94


acceptable frame type 102 automatic registration 94

ID 93

IGMP snooping 192 ingress filtering 101 introduction 78, 93 number of VLANs 97 port number 98 port settings 101 port-based VLAN 108

port-based, all connected 111 port-based, isolation 111 port-based, wizard 111 PVID 102

static VLAN 99 status 97, 98 subnet based 102 tagged 93 trunking 95, 102 type 79, 96

VLAN (Virtual Local Area Network) 78 VLAN ID 82

VLAN Trunking Protocol, see VTP

VLAN, protocol based, See protocol based VLAN


VSA 217

VT100 35

VTP 254


warranty 351 note 351

web configurator 43

getting help 51 home 44 login 43 logout 51 navigation panel 46

weight, queuing 188

Weighted Round Robin Scheduling (WRR) 188 WRR (Weighted Round Robin Scheduling) 188


ZyNOS (ZyXEL Network Operating System) 280



GS2200-24 User’s Guide