
MDIX (Media Dependent Interface Crossover)



and SNMP 292 supported MIBs 293

MIB (Management Information Base) 292 mirroring ports 153

monitor port 154 mounting brackets 30 MRSTP status 134 MST ID 142

MST Instance, See MSTI 142 MST region 142

MSTI 142

MSTP 123, 126 bridge ID 140 configuration 136 configuration digest 140 forwarding delay 137 Hello Time 140

hello time 137 Max Age 140 max age 137 max hops 137 path cost 138 port priority 138 revision level 137 status 139

MTU (Multi-Tenant Unit) 78 Multicast 191

multicast 191

802.1priority 195

and IGMP 191 IGMP throttling 197 IP addresses 192 overview 191 setup 195

multicast group 199 multicast VLAN 203

Multiple Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol 125 Multiple RSTP 125

Multiple Spanning Tree Protocol, See MSTP 123,


Multiple STP 126 MVR 192

configuration 201 group configuration 203

network example 192

MVR (Multicast VLAN Registration) 192


network applications 23

network management system (NMS) 292 NTP (RFC-1305) 77


PAGP 254 password 49

administrator 289

PHB (Per-Hop Behavior) 262 ping, test connection 306 policy 182

and classifier 182 and DiffServ 181 configuration 182 example 185 overview 181 rules 181 viewing 184

Port Aggregation Protocol, see PAgP

port authentication 167 and RADIUS 210, 211 IEEE802.1x 169, 213

port based VLAN type 79 port cloning 325, 326

advanced settings 325, 326 basic settings 325, 326

port details 70 port isolation 111 port mirroring 153, 154

direction 155 egress 155 ingress 155

port redundancy 158

port security 171

limit MAC address learning 173 MAC address learning 171 overview 171

setup 172, 249, 253



GS2200-24 User’s Guide