Chapter 18 Certificates

Note: You can import only a certificate that matches a corresponding certification request that was generated by the NWA.

Note: The certificate you import replaces the corresponding request in the My Certificates screen.

Note: You must remove any spaces from the certificate’s filename before you can import it.

Figure 131 Certificates > My Certificates Import

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 67 Certificates > My Certificate Import



File Path

Type in the location of the file you want to upload in this field or click Browse


to find it.




Click Browse to find the certificate file you want to upload.




Click Apply to save the certificate on the NWA.




Click Cancel to quit and return to the My Certificates screen.



18.4.2 My Certificates Create Screen

Use this screen if you do not have an existing or issued certificate and want to have the NWA create a self-signed certificate, enroll a certificate with a certification authority or generate a certification request.



NWA-3500/NWA-3550 User’s Guide