Navigating Through the SMT
The SMT (System Management Terminal) is the interface that you use to configure your Prestige. Several operations that you should be familiar with before you attempt to modify the configuration of your Prestige are listed below:
∙Moving Forward to Another Menu. To move forward to a
∙Moving Backward to a Previous Menu. Press the escape (Esc) key to move back to the previous menu. The only exception is the Main Menu, where typing ‘99’ is the only method to exit from the SMT.
∙Moving the Cursor. Within a menu, press Enter (carriage return) to move to the next field. You can also use the Up and Down keys to move to the previous and the next field, respectively.
∙Entering Information. There are two types of fields that you will need to fill in. The first requires you to type in the appropriate information. The second gives you choices to choose from. In the second case, press the
∙Required Fields. Some of the fields in the SMT are essential in order to configure the Prestige. These fields will initially show a ‘?’ indicating that the information must be filled in before that menu can be saved.
∙‘N/A’ Fields. Some of the fields in the SMT will show a ‘N/A’ which refers to ‘Not Available’. This symbol usually refers to an option that is not available.
Installation 27