Chapter 31 PPPoE WT-101 Default Circuit ID Syntax
If you do not configure a Circuit ID string for a specific VLAN on a port or for a specific port, and disable the flexible Circuit ID syntax in the PPPoE > Intermediate Agent screen, the Switch automatically generates a Circuit ID string according to the default Circuit ID syntax which is defined in the DSL Forum Working Text
Table 99 PPPoE IA Circuit ID
SubOpt | Length |
| Value |
0x01 | N | Access | Space | eth | Space | Slot | / | Port No | : | VLAN |
(1 byte) | (1 byte) | Node | (1 | (3 | (1 | ID | (1 | (2 | (1 | ID |
Identifier |
| ||||||||
| byte) | byte) | byte) | (1 | byte) | byte) | byte) | (4 | |
| ||||||||
| (20 byte) |
| byte) |
| bytes) |
31.1.3 Port State
Every port is either a trusted port or an untrusted port for the PPPoE intermediate agent. This setting is independent of the trusted/untrusted setting for DHCP snooping or ARP inspection. You can also specify the agent
Trusted ports are connected to PPPoE servers.
•If a PADO (PPPoE Active Discovery Offer), PADS (PPPoE Active Discovery
•If a PADI or PADR packet is sent from a PPPoE client but received on a trusted port, the Switch forwards it to other trusted port(s).
Note: The Switch will drop all PPPoE discovery packets if you enable the PPPoE intermediate agent and there are no trusted ports.
Untrusted ports are connected to subscribers.
•If a PADI, PADR, or PADT packet is sent from a PPPoE client and received on an untrusted port, the Switch adds a
•The Switch discards PADO and PADS packets which are sent from a PPPoE server but received on an untrusted port.
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