FARGO electronic user manual TM-U590 User’s Manual

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Shut down your equipment immediately if it produces smoke, a strange odor, or unusual noise. Continued use may lead to fire. Immediately unplug the equipment and contact your dealer or a SEIKO EPSON service center for advice.

Never attempt to repair this product yourself. Improper repair work can be dangerous.

Never disassemble or modify this product. Tampering with this product may result in injury or fire.

Be sure to use the specified power source. Connection to an improper power source may cause fire.

Do not allow foreign matter to fall into the equipment. Penetration by foreign objects may lead to fire.

If water or other liquid spills into this equipment, unplug the power cord immediately, and then contact your dealer or a SEIKO EPSON service center for advice. Continued usage may lead to fire.


Do not connect cables in ways other than those mentioned in this manual. Different connections may cause equipment damage and burning.

Be sure to set this equipment on a firm, stable, horizontal surface. The product may break or cause injury if it falls.

Do not use in locations subject to high humidity or dust levels. Excessive humidity and dust may cause equipment damage or fire.

Do not place heavy objects on top of this product. Never stand or lean on this product. Equipment may fall or collapse, causing breakage and possible injury.

To ensure safety, unplug this product before leaving it unused for an extended period.

Caution Labels


Do not connect a telephone line to the drawer kick-out connector or the display module connector; otherwise, the printer and the telephone line may be damaged.


The print head is hot.

4TM-U590 User’s Manual

Image 4
Contents TM-U590 DIP Switch Tables Printer PartsEMC and Safety Standards Applied Safety PrecautionsFCC Compliance Statement For American Users CE MarkingTM-U590 User’s Manual Unpacking Control PanelForward button Reverse buttonInstalling the Ribbon Cassette Using the Power Switch CoverRemoving the Damper Troubleshooting Inserting Slip PaperNo lights on the control panel Printer sounds like it is printing, but nothing is printingRemoving Jammed Paper Error light is flashing, and nothing is printingLine of dots is missing in the printout TM-U590 specifications McbfTM-U590 User’s Manual Deutsch Angewendete EMS- und Sicherheitsnormen SicherheitshinweiseWarnung CE-ZeichenAuspacken WarnschilderVorsicht Bedienfeld Entfernen der TransportsicherungenVerwenden der Ein-/Ausschalterabdeckung Einlegen der FarbbandkassetteDie Fehlerleuchte Error blinkt und das Gerät druckt nicht Einlegen von PapierblätternFehlersuche Auf dem Bedienfeld leuchten keine LämpchenBeheben eines Papierstaus Technische Daten des Druckers TM-U590Nederlands Waarschuwing VeiligheidsmaatregelenCE-keurmerk Uitpakken WaarschuwingsetikettenLET OP Bedieningspaneel Verwijderen van de demperGebruik van het deksel voor de aan/uitknop Installeren van de lintcassetteInbrengen van het slippapier Het ERROR-lampje knippert en er wordt niets afgedrukt ProbleemoplossingVerwijderen van vastgelopen papier Lichtjes op het bedieningspaneel branden nietSpecificaties voor de TM-U590 Français Avertissement Consignes de sécuritéLabel CE Etiquettes d’avertissement DéballagePanneau de commande Retrait de l’amortisseurUtilisation du cache d’interrupteur Installation de la cartouche de rubanInsertion de papier facturette Aucun témoin du panneau de commande ne s’allume Le témoin d’erreur Error clignote en l’absence d’impressionDépannage Dégagement d’un bourrage de papierFiche technique de la TM-U590 Português Atenção Instruções de segurançaCertificação CE Desembalagem Etiquetas de avisoImportante Painel de controlo Remoção do amortecedorInstalação da cassete de fita Utilização da tampa do interruptor de ligaçãoInserção do papel de comprovativo Os indicadores luminosos não acendem no painel de controlo Resolução de problemasFalta uma linha de pontos na impressão Remoção de papel encravado Características técnicas da TM-U590TM-U590 Manual do utilizador Español Se aplican las normas EMC y de seguridad Precauciones de SeguridadAdvertencia Marcado CEDesembalaje Etiquetas de precaucionesPrecaución Panel de control Extracción del protector de transporteInstalación del cartucho de cinta Uso de la tapa del interruptor de alimentaciónInserción del documento Solución de problemas El indicador de Error está parpadeando y no se imprime nadaNo se encienden las luces del panel de control Falta una línea de puntos en la impresiónExtracción del papel atascado Especificaciones de la TM-U590Italiano Standard EMC e di sicurezza applicati a questi prodotti Precauzioni di sicurezzaAvvertenza Contrassegno CEDisimballaggio Etichette di avvertimentoAttenzione Pannello di controllo Rimozione dei dispositivi di protezionePulsante Forward Pulsante ReverseInstallazione della cassetta del nastro Uso della copertura dell’interruttore dell’alimentazioneRisoluzione dei problemi La spia luminosa Error lampeggia senza stampaInserimento della carta a fogli mobili Sul pannello di controllo nessuna spia luminosa è accesaRimozione della carta inceppata Specifiche della stampante TM-U590TM-U590 Manuale dell’utente Page 1999.12