Lucent Technologies 3000 VA manual Ommunication, Initial Communications Settings

Page 55

C O￿￿M￿￿M￿￿U￿￿N￿￿I￿￿C￿￿A￿￿T￿￿I￿￿O￿￿N


￿he ￿P￿ is equipped with a communications interface port that allows communication with a wide variety of external devices including:

￿￿ideo or dumb terminal

￿￿erial printer

￿Computer with power management or shutdown software

￿he serial port enables you to monitor and record diagnostic data with the following communication interfaces:

￿￿erial Communications Interface ￿erminal Mode

Data Dump Mode

Printer Mode, 2400 Baud, with Novell Contacts (default) Printer Mode, 19200 Baud, with Novell Contacts

￿LAN Configuration


Novell-￿tyle Network Interface

3ComR-￿tyle Network Interface


A￿/400-￿tyle Network Interface

Custom ￿ser5Configurable Interface

Initial Communications Settings

￿he ￿P￿ is factory5configured for Printer Mode, 2400 baud, with Novell contacts. ￿o verify the initial ￿P￿ communications configuration, you can:

￿Look at the box label with the serial number (communication mode is shown in the upper right corner).

￿￿se the Display Configuration option on the ￿P￿ ￿erial Communications Menu (see page 47).

If you want to change the ￿P￿ configuration settings, use the front panel or the ￿P￿ ￿erial Communications Menu.


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Image 55
Contents ##*&% % *& %+# +%* !%&# +*# &, -*$ Page Page Special Symbols UPS UPS with BDM InstallationQuick Start UPS with BIM Installation Quick Start Able of Contents Troubleshooting Model 3000 UPS NtroductionLoad Requirements UPS Model and Battery ConfigurationsBattery Times for the UPS with BDM Battery Times for the UPS and BIMIntroduction Afety Warnings This Manual Contains Important Safety InstructionsSikkerhedsanvisninger Belangrijke Veiligheidsinstructies Tärkeitä turvaohjeita Consignes de Sécurité Safety Warnings Wichtige Sicherheitsanweisungen Importanti istruzioni di sicurezza Safety Warnings Viktig Sikkerhetsinformasion Regulamentos de Segurança Afety Warnings Requisitos de seguridadAfet3 Warnings Viktig säkerhetsinformation Safety Warnings Safety Warnings Unpacking and Inspection UPS and Battery Module StorageImportant Installation Notes Read Before Installing the UPS NstallationSystems That Require Contact Closure UPS with Bypass Module InstallationSystems That Require a Serial Interface UPS with Distribution Module Setup UPS with Isolation Module Setup For Stability Repo UPS with BIM Rear Panel Installation UPS with Hardwired Bypass Module Rear Panel Hz Hardwired BIM Terminal Block Repo Installation Mounting Holes UPS with Bypass Module Startup Phase 200/208/220/230/240VOutput Voltage Indicators Troubleshooting Tips Installation UPS Front Panel S!!! O!!P!!E!!R!!A!!T!!I!!O!!NOperating Modes Normal ModeBattery Mode Bypass ModeBattery Test on Demand DiagnosticsBattery Start Changing the Output Voltage Using the Bypass ModuleUsing Maintenance Bypass UPS ShutdownUPS with Bypass Module Rear Panel 6%Hz BDM Shown 604Hz BDM 240 Output Voltage Indicators Ommunication Initial Communications SettingsOptions Front Panel ommuncatons AccessUPS Serial Communications Menu Ascii Select LAN Configuration Select Baud Rate Serial Port Location UPS Communications Interface PortPWR.FAIL Communications Mode Reference ChartUPS Physical Specifications UPS Model 3000 SpecificationsPecifications Model 3000 Specifications with the 50Hz BIM Model 3000 Specifications with the 60Hz BDMEMC UPS Technical Specifications# ! ! # 6$5$ I!!# Roubleshooting Troubleshooting Silencing the Alarm Resetting the UPSService and Support PDM06 Parts ListNdex Numeric LOWBATT,49 Over temperature,alarm,58 UTILFAIL,49 EC Declaration of Conformity FCC StatementClass a European EMC Statement