KS152JB Universal Communications Controller Technical Specifications
is still 1 and the DONE bit is still 0. An external interrupt is not generated in this case, since in level-activated mode, pulling the pin to a logical 1 clears the interrupt flag. If the interrupt pin is then pulled low again, DMA transfers will continue from where they were previously stopped.
The timing for the DMA Cycle in the transition - activated mode, or for the first DMA Cycle in the level-activated mode is as follows: If the 1-to-0 transition is detected before the final machine cycle of the instruction in progress, then the DMA commences as soon as the instruction in progress is completed. Otherwise, one more instruction will be executed before the DMA starts. No instruction is executed during any DMA Cycle.
4.2 Timing Diagrams
Timing diagrams for single-byte DMA transfers are shown in following figures for four kinds of DMA Cycles: internal memory to internal memory, internal memory to external memory, external memory to internal memory, and external memory to external memory. In each case we assume the C152 is executing out of external program memory. If the C152 is executing out of internal program memory, the PSEN is inactive, and the Port 0 and Port 2 pins emit P0 and P2 SFR data. If External Data Memory is involved, the Port 0 and Port 2 pins are used as the address/data bus, and RD and /or WR signals are generated as needed, in the same manner as in the execution of a MOVX @ DPTR instruction.
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DMA Transfer from Internal Memory to Internal Memory
Kawasaki LSI USA, Inc. | Page 80 of 120 | Ver. 0.9 KS152JB2 |