Windows NT | Software Driver Installation |
Windows NT
Under Windows NT the Spectrum driver must be in- stalled manually. The driver is found on CD in the directory \Install\WinNTDrv. Please start the „Setup.exe“ pro- gram. The installation is per- formed totally automatically, simply click on the „Next“ button. After installtion the sy- stem must be rebooted once (see picture on the right side). The driver is install to support one PCI/PXI or CompactPCI
device. If more boards are installed in the system the configuration of the driver has to be changed. Please see the following chapter for this topic.
Adding boards to the Windows NT driver
The Windows NT driver must be configured by the Driver Configuration utility to support more than one board. The Driver Configu- ration utility is automatical- ly installed with the driver. The Utility can be found in the start menu as „DrvCon- fig“.
To add a new card please follow these steps:
•Increase the board number on top of the screen by pressing the right button
•Change the board type from „Not Installed“ to „PCI Board“
•Press the „Apply changes“ button
•Press the „OK“ button
•Restart the system
Driver - Update
If a new driver version should be installed no Spectrum board is allowed to be in use by any software. So please stop and exit all software that could access the boards.
When updating a system please simply execute the setup file of the new driver version. Afterwards the system has to be rebooted. The driver configuration is not changed.
24 | MI.61xx Manual |