General description | Standard generation modes |
Standard generation modes
General description
The generated data is replayed from the
Singleshot mode
The singleshot mode is the most simple output mode for the Spectrum boards. It simply replays the programmed data once after detecting the trigger event. The amount of memory to be replayed can be programmed by software. Any trigger source can be used to start the output. If output should be star- ted immediately one can simply use the software trigger ca- pabilities of the board.
Register | Value | Direction | Description |
SPC_SINGLESHOT | 41000 | r/w | Write a „1“ to enable the singleshot mode (a „0“ disables it) |
Continuous Mode
After detetcting the trigger event the programmed data is re- played continuously. On reaching end of the programmed memory size the output starts again with the first sample. The- re’s no gap in output when switching from the last sample to the first sample. The output runs until the users stops it by soft- ware. If not stopped the continuous output runs independent of any other PC components until the system is shut off.
Register | Value | Direction | Description |
SPC_SINGLESHOT | 41000 | r/w | Write a „0“ to disable the singleshot mode |
SPC_OUTONTRIGGER | 41100 | r/w | Write a „1“ to enable the continuous mode |
Posttrigger Mode
The posttrigger mode is normally only used when starting the output board together with an acquisiton board.
The data is written to a programmed amount of the
Register | Value | Direction | Description |
SPC_SINGLESHOT | 41000 | r/w | Write a „0“ to disable the singleshot mode |
SPC_OUTONTRIGGER | 41100 | r/w | Write a „0“ to disable the continuous mode |
Partitioning the memory
The memory size register defines the length of the data to be replayed. Depending on the mode used this data is replayed once or conti- nuously.
Register | Value | Direction | Description |
SPC_MEMSIZE | 10000 | r/w | Sets the memory size in samples per channel. |
SPC_POSTTRIGGER | 10100 | r/w | Sets the number of samples to be replayed after the trigger event has been detected. |
The maximum memsize that can be use for replaying is of course limited by the installed amount of memory and by the number of channels to be replayed. The following table gives you an overview on the maximum memsize in relation to the installed memory.
44 | MI.61xx Manual |