Copying and activating the customer’s administration and options
Turning on Visual Vectors server (optional)
If your installation uses the Visual Vectors server, you must now turn on the software. If you do not use Visual Vectors, continue with Updating the switch setup on page 64.
To turn on the Avaya Visual Vectors software:
1.Stop and restart AOM by entering the following commands: aom stop
aom start
2.Enter: setupaas
The system displays the Avaya Visual Vectors Server System Services Menu.
3.Enter the number associated with the run_vvs option.
4.Enter the number associated with the Turn VVS On option.
5.Continue with Updating the switch setup on page 64.
Updating the switch setup
In many cases, the switch is upgraded to a new release when the CMS is upgraded. In addition, the links from the switch to the CMS must have been converted to TCP/IP if the original link was X.25. Verify switch setup for any ACDs where the switch model or link type was changed.
If the switch model or link type has changed, you must do the following:
●Check the switch links on the CMS main window and verify that the switch links are up.
●If the links are not active, check the administration of each ACD on the CMS using the swsetup option of the cmssvc command. CMS must be turned off to administer the ACDs. For more information about converting links, see CMS Switch Connections, Administration, and Troubleshooting,
●Readminister the CMS version on the switch using the Feature Parameters form.
●If the conversion from X.25 to TCP/IP involves adding another network card to the CMS computer, this must be done after the upgrade is completed.
Continue with Setting the Informix configuration parameters on page 65.
64 Avaya CMS R12 Sun Enterprise 3500 Computer CMS Upgrade Express