Whirlpool GHW9300PW0 manual Washer Care, CleaningYour Washer, WaterInletHoses

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CleaningYour Washer

Cleaning the exterior

Use a soft damp cloth or sponge to wipe up any spills. Occasionally wipe the outside of your washer to keep it looking new. Use mild soap and water. Do not use abrasive products.

Cleaning the interior

Use a soft damp cloth or sponge to occasionally wipe the inner door to remove any detergent residue. Use mild soap and water. Do not use abrasive products.

Cleaning the door seal

Use a soft damp cloth or sponge when necessary. Check the fold of the seal periodically for any foreign objects.

Cleaning the dispenser drawer

The dispenser drawer is removable for easy cleaning.

1.Unlock the dispenser drawer by pressing the Release Lever. See “Using the Dispenser.” Remove the drawer.

2.Remove the inserts (the siphon from the softener and bleach compartments and the separator).

3.Wash the parts under running water.

4.Replace the inserts and return the dispenser to the drawer.


Replace inlet hoses after five years of use to reduce the risk of hose failure. Periodically inspect and replace inlet hoses if bulges, kinks, cuts, wear or leaks are found.

When replacing your inlet hoses, record the date of replacement.

To use washer again:

1.Flush water pipes.

2.Reconnect water inlet hoses to faucets.

3.Turn on both water faucets.

4.Plug in washer or reconnect power.

5.Run the washer through the NORMAL/CASUAL cycle with

¹⁄₄ the normal recommended amount of HE detergent to clean out antifreeze.

To transport the washer:

1.If washer will be moved during freezing weather, put in 1 qt (1 L) of R.V.-type antifreeze in the drum. Run washer on a DRAIN/SPIN cycle.

2.Unplug the power cord.

3.Disconnect the drain hose from the drain system and attach to rear panel clips.

4.Shut off both water faucets.

5.Disconnect the water inlet hoses from faucets, then drain the hoses and clip them to the rear panel of the washer.

6.IMPORTANT: Call service. Do not reuse transport bolts. Unit must be transported in the upright position. To prevent suspension and structural damage, your machine must be properly set up for relocation by a certified technician.

Reinstalling the washer

1.Follow the “Installation Instructions” to locate, level and connect the washer.

2.Run the washer through the NORMAL/CASUAL cycle with

¹⁄₄ the normal recommended amount of HE detergent to clean the washer and remove the antifreeze, if used.


Install and store your washer where it will not freeze. Because some water may stay in the hoses, freezing can damage your washer. If storing or moving your washer during freezing weather, winterize it.

Non-use or vacation care:

Operate your washer only when you are at home. If you will be on vacation or not using your washer for an extended period of time, you should:

Unplug washer or disconnect power.

Turn off the water supply to the washer. This helps avoid accidental flooding (due to a water pressure surge) while you are away.

Slightly open door to provide ventilation.

To winterize washer:

1.Put 1 qt (1 L) of R.V.-type antifreeze in the drum.

2.Run washer on a DRAIN/SPIN cycle.

3.Unplug washer or disconnect power.

4.Shut off both water faucets.

5.Disconnect water inlet hoses from faucets and drain.


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Contents 461970222661 Automática DE CargaManual deUsoyCuidado Table DES Matières Table of ContentsÍndice Your safety and the safety of others are very important Washer SafetyOptions Installation RequirementsToolsandParts LocationRequirements Installation clearancesStandpipe drain system wall or floor views a & B Recommended installation spacing for cabinet installationDrainSystem Floor drain system view B Electrical RequirementsLaundry tub drain system view a RemoveTransportSystem Installation InstructionsConnecttheInletHoses RoutetheDrainHoseSecuretheDrain Hose CompleteInstallationLevel theWasher Floor drainFeatures and Benefits StartingYourWasher Washer USEFirst Wash Cycle Without Laundry To load washerChoosing the Right Detergent UsingtheDispenserMain wash detergent compartment Chlorine bleach compartmentStatusLights PausingorRestartingChangingCycles,Options andModifiers Cycles Modifiers Loading Laundry TipsLaundryGuide Washer Care CleaningYour WasherWaterInletHoses Vacation,Storage,andMovingCareTroubleshooting Load too wet Dispensers clogged or leakingResidue or lint on load Stains on loadInCanada Assistance or ServiceTheU.S.A Whirlpool Corporation will not pay for Whirlpool Washer WarrantySu seguridad y la seguridad de los demás es muy importante Seguridad DE LA LavadoraOpciones Requisitos DE InstalaciónHerramientasypiezas Requisitospara laubicación Dimensiones de la lavadoraEspacios libres para la instalación Usted necesitaráSistema de desagüe por el piso vista B SistemadedesagüeSe necesita un suministro eléctrico de 120 voltios RequisitoseléctricosConexióndelasmanguerasdeentrada Instrucciones DE InstalaciónEliminacióndel sistemadetransporte Fijación delamangueradedesagüe TendidodelamangueradedesagüeNivelación delalavadora CompletelainstalaciónCaracterísticas Y Beneficios Puestaenmarchadelalavadora USO DE LA LavadoraPrimer ciclo de lavado sin ropa Para cargar la lavadoraCompartimiento del detergente para el lavado principal UsodeldepósitoCómo elegir el detergente adecuado Para llenar los compartimientos del depósitoCambiodeciclos,opciones ymodificadores Pausa oreanudacióndelamarchaLucesdeestado Compartimiento del blanqueador con cloroCiclos Remojo Soak Normal/Informal Normal/CasualEnjuague/Exprimido Rinse/Spin Desagüe/Exprimido Drain/SpinModificadores Lavado con retraso Delay WashEnjuague adicional Extra Rinse Temperatura de Lavado/EnjuagueGuíaparaellavado Cómocargar Consejos DE LavanderíaLimpiezadesulavadora Cuidado DE LA LavadoraManguerasdeentradadel agua YlamudanzaLa lavadora no funciona Solución DE ProblemasLa lavadora no se llena, ni lava ni enjuaga La lavadora se detieneLa lavadora hace ruidos o vibra La lavadora no escurre ni exprimeLa lavadora pierde agua Los depósitos están obstruidos o hay fugasLa ropa está arrugada Manchas en la ropaBlancos grisáceos, colores opacos Ciclo demasiado prolongadoEn Canadá Ayuda O Servicio TécnicoEnlosEE.UU Whirlpool Corporation no pagará por Garantía DE LA Lavadora WhirlpoolVotre sécurité et celle des autres est très importante Sécurité DE LA LaveuseOutillageetpièces Exigences D’INSTALLATIONEspacements dinstallation Exigences d’emplacementInstallation dans un encastrement ou placard Il vous faudraSystème de rejet à l’égout mural ou au plancher Vues a et B Espacement recommandé pour linstallation de la caisseSystèmedevidange Système de vidange au plancher Vue B SpécificationsélectriquesSystème de vidange de l’évier de buanderie Vue a Raccordementdes tuyauxdalimentation Instructions D’INSTALLATIONEnlèvementdusystèmedetransport Acheminementdutuyau devidange Acheverl’installationImmobilisationdutuyau devidange Réglagedel’aplombdelalaveuseCaractéristiques ET Avantages Miseenmarchedelalaveuse Utilisation DE LA LaveusePremier programme de lavage sans linge à laver Pour charger la laveuseCompartiment pour détergent du lavage principal UtilisationdudistributeurChoix du détergent approprié Compartiment pour eau de JavelChangementdeprogrammes,optionset Modificateurs Témoinsdel’étatd’avancementPauseouremiseenmarche Programmes Réglages préréglés des programmes Delay Wash Lavage différéSons normaux émis par la laveuse Extra Rinse Rinçage supplémentaireGuide de température GuidedelessivageWash/Rinse Temp Température de lavage/rinçage Chargement Conseils DE LessivageNettoyagedelalaveuse Entretien DE LA LaveuseTuyauxflexiblesd’alimentationdelalaveuse Un déménagementDépannage Obstruction ou fuite des distributeurs Fuites d’eau de la laveuseCharge trop mouillée Résidu ou charpie sur le lingeAu Canada Assistance OU ServiceAuxÉtats-Unis Whirlpool Corporation ne paiera pas pour Garantie DE LA Laveuse Whirlpool461970222661