AKG Acoustics HT 4500 manual Local regulation authority, Set will start flashing

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3 Setting Up

Push and hold the ON/OFF button (3) until the message "oFF" appears on the display


The display goes dark and power to the transmitter is OFF.

If you are not sure as to what carrier frequency the transmitter is tuned to, place the transmitter into SILENT mode following steps 1 and 2 below. In SILENT mode, you can check and adjust the carrier frequency and input gain without transmit- ting a radio signal.

1.If the transmitter is ON, switch it OFF.

2.Push and hold the setup switch until the display backlighting comes on.

The display will first show the battery capacityin hours and as a bargraph and then the currently selected carrier frequency in MHz.

As the backlighting goes out, the display changes as follows:

The transmitter is now in SILENT mode and the display shows the Preset menu.

3.You can either select one of the Preset Channels from the Preset menu (section 3.6.1) or set the carrier frequency in 25-kHz increments in the Frequency menu (section 3.6.2). The spacing between Preset frequencies prevents any mutual interference.

A Preset comprises one or more Groups of carrier frequencies. Group numbers are shown under the "GRP" label. Carrier frequencies are also called "Channels" whose numbers are indicated below the "CH" label. The spacing between these frequencies is wide enough to prevent any mutual interference (intermodulation). Presets make it much easier to design a multichannel system. They save time because you do not need to calculate your own car- rier frequencies and help you avoid intermodulation problems.

Each Preset has a one or two-character "NAME" relating to the country where the respec- tive carrier frequencies are allocated (e.g., "SD" for countries with no regulations, "US" for the USA, or "UK" for Britain, etc.). The Preset names are sorted alphabetically.

When designing a multichannel system, make sure to use Channels within the same Group only. Using Channels of different Presets and/or Groups simultaneously may cause inter- modulation.

3.5Powering Down (all modes)

Refer to fig. 1.

3.6Setting the Carrier Frequency ! Important!

3.6.1 Preset Menu

Some Presets may be approved in more than one country. To check which Frequency




Group(s) is (are) approved in your country, visit www.akgfrequency.at or contact your




local regulation authority.




Push the setup switch briefly. The "NAME" label and the name of the currently active Pre-



set will start flashing.



If no Preset has been stored in memory, the 2nd line of the display shows "------".



To select the next Preset, turn the setup switch briefly to the right.



To select the previous Preset, turn the setup switch briefly to the left.



Having selected the desired Preset, push the setup switch briefly. The "GRP" label and



the number of the currently active Frequency Group will start flashing.



HT 4500


Image 27
Contents D I E N U N G S a N L E I T U N G . . S Inhaltsverzeichnis Sicherheit und Umwelt Beschreibung Der MUTE-Schalter ist in allen Betriebsarten aktiv Des Handsenders ausAustauschbare Mikrofonköpfe Nicht mitgeliefert Siehe Fig Inbetriebnahme Setup-Schalter kurz drücken Setup-Schalter lang drückenSetup-Schalter kurz nach rechts oder links drehen Hinweis SymboleDie Anzeige Mute nicht und die Kontroll-LED 1 leuchtet grün Siehe Fig ModusElektronisch gegen Fehlbedienung gesichert sind HinweisInbetriebnahme Inbetriebnahme Anzeige LOCK-Modus wieder einJeden Sender und Empfänger die Frequenz neu ein Geräuschen führenDen Wert 00 folgt die Anzeige Auto siehe Kapitel Wiederholen Den Setup-SchalterSchalter Che Wert in dB, die Anzeige Gain blinktSchalter betätigen Ten Sie den Setup-Schalter ca Sekunden lang gedrücktBetriebshinweise Im LOCK-Modus erscheint am Display die Anzeige LockDie Beschallungsanlage wiedergegeben wird, zu gestalten MikrofonSenders. Die Kontroll-LED 1 wechselt auf grün Gramm unterhalb der Frequenzanzeige an AustauschenDass der Akku während des nächsten Auftritts leer wird ReinigungMehrkanalanlagen Bzw. den Akku BP 4000 aus dem Sender herausFehlermeldungen Schalten FehlermeldungenFehlermeldung Behebung Err.JoG EinschaltenTechnische Daten TrägerfrequenzbereicheUnd 835-862 MHz Table of Contents Safety Environment Safety and EnvironmentDescription Currently active value Battery capacity Measurement unitParameter to be adjusted Mute switch is active in all modesTures of these microphones StructionSetting Up Setting Up CeiverLit green Set will start flashing Local regulation authoritySetting Up Setting Up Push the setup switch briefly Quency for each transmiter and receiverWill be followed by Auto refer to section As follows UsingOperating Notes Frequency readout Refer to fig Ter fader to reduce the volume and stop the howlingTer. The status LED 1 will change to red Refer to fig Transmitter. The status LED 1 will change to greenCleaning Error Messages Error Messages Power to transmitter onEst AKG Service Center 790-820, 835-862 MHz Carrier frequency rangesSommaire Sécurité et environnement ’émetteur à main dispose de trois modes de fonctionnement De commande Teur à mainIntroduction Fournitures d’origine Pas le cas, veuillez contacter votre distributeur AKGTion de la touche ON/OFF. La LED témoin 1 passe au vert Cepteur lorsque le signal audio est sur muetMain hors tension ON/OFF est en retraitEn mode Lock Mise en service Appuyer brièvement sur la moletteModes Sélectionnée affichée en MHz ’émetteur est alors en mode Silent’entrée voir point LumeMise en service Menu PresetsSi l’émetteur est sous tension, mettez-le hors tension Mise en service Mise en service Appuyez un bref instant sur la molette Multicanaux CepteurRéglage de fréquence de chaque émetteur et chaque récepteur Secondes environ. L’écran afficheMise en service Menu Gain Gain d’entrée en dB Mode LockEn mode LOCK, l’écran affiche Lock UtilisationTre de l’émetteur. La LED témoin 1 passe au vert RemplacementMettez l’émetteur hors tension Microphone sur muetNettoyage Messages d’erreur Messages d’erreur Plages de fréquences porteuses Caractéristiques techniquesIndice Sicurezza Ambiente Sicurezza e ambienteDescrizione Smettitore manuale Della batteria in oreParametro da regolare Dopo ca secondi il trasmettitore è pronto all’esercizioNiche Nel modo LockImportante Modi d’esercizio Premere a lungo l’interruttore SetupMessa in esercizio Avvertenza SimboliVedi fig Capitolo 3.6 e la sensibilità d’ingresso vedi capitoloRadio Splay 2 si attivaIntermodulazione 1 Menù PresetDisattivazione PortanteMessa in esercizio Guente indicazione Terebbe forti rumori disturbanti SceltoCondi PeggiaSinistra o a destra. Sul display viene visualizzato Save -n Lore originale in dB, l’indicazione Gain lampeggiaMente l’interruttore Setup Indicazioni per l’esercizioMenù batteria Capacità Smettitore. Il LED di controllo 1 cambia sul verde Solo diminuendo il volumeDisattivate il trasmettitore Come silenziareQuenza nuova PuliziaImpianti pluri-canale Prossimo canale libero del gruppo di frequenze presceltoSetup Errori visualizzati sul display Errore Rimedio Err.rFGetevi al vs. punto service Err.PrE Sibile prescegliere un Preset DelleReinserirlo dopo 10 secondi Indicazioni erroriErrore Rimedio Err.JoG Sinserire il trasmettitore e790-820 e 835-862 MHz Gamme delle frequenze portantiSeguridad y medio ambiente ÍndiceMedio ambiente Seguridad y medio ambienteSeguridad Braciones o a golpesIntroducción DescripciónDad de medición Elementos de mandoMiento del transmisor manual Véase fig De la pila en horasVéase . pondientes micrófonos Puesta en funcionamiento Sualizador 2 se encienda Ajustada actualmente en MHzEn verde Puesta en funcionamiento Puesta en funcionamiento Puesta en funcionamiento Cuencias seleccionado Mente la frecuencia para cada transmisor y receptorRuidos de interferencia Hable o cante frente al micrófono Manera involuntaria Sionado el conmutador Setup durante aprox segundosInstrucciones para el uso Capacidad de las pilas Conmutar entre losInstrucciones para el uso Limpieza Del transmisorLador durante un período mayor Avisos de error Avisos de error Gamas de frecuencias portadoras Datos técnicos104 101102 103Segurança Meio ambiente Segurança e meio ambienteDescrição Mente 7 segundos VoluntárioComutador Mute está ativo em todos os modos de operação Descrição Pítulo OperaçãoOperação Importante LigarPressione por ca ,6 segundos a tecla ON/OFF Portadora Trole SetupDesligar Ajustar a freqüênciaVeja capítulo 3.4.2 GinalGuinte indicação Pressione brevemente o controle Setup LecionadoCia novamente para cada emissor e receptor Fale ou cante no microfone Capacidade das pilhas Comutar entre os Instruções para o usoLED de controle 1 muda para verde Em forma de diagrama em barras AcumuladorDe diagrama em barras De volume menorLimpeza BP 4000 do emissorPróxima apresentação Indicações de falha Cional CU Problema Resolver o problema Rec.AccIndicações de falha RegeneraçãoFaixas de freqüências portadoras EspecificaçõesNotizen Notes Notes Note Notas Notas 111 Page Page WL1 3700 WL1 3800 WL1 5900 WL1 535 WL1