16.4. UFC Commands
UFC (Universal Flexi Coms) function enables editing the serial data output format or the print out format freely using the serial interface command.
For customizing the print out of the printer or efficient data collection. Output data is not only the indicator’s data/status but also characters at will.
It can output the control code* of the printer. (* depends on the individual printer) There are 2 sets of memories for storing the parameters.
UFC Command Parameters
UFC commands such as SF1, PF1 have many parameters.
One command line can have multiple parameters. The parameters are stored in memory in order.
Multiple UFC commands are acceptable. Parameters are stored next to the last parameter stored by the last UFC command.
Clear all of the data first, if storing a new set of parameters. The parameters in the stored data can not be changed partially.
The various types of parameters and their descriptions are shown below.
Data | Weight, result of comparison, etc. |
$CL | Clear previous settings. UFC command parameters can not be | |
| changed partially. |
$WT | Displayed data |
$GR | GRoss data |
$NT | NeT data |
$TR | TaRe data |
$HD | Header of Gross/Net/Tare or Preset tare. Refer to CF06. | |
$UT | Weight UniT |
$ST | STable/Unstable |
$CP | Result of ComParison |
$ID | ID number specified at F06 |
$DT | Date |
$TM | Time |
$DN | Data number increments with each output automatically | |
$CD | CoDe memory number |
$AN | Accumulation count |
$TL | TotaL weight |
$CM | CoMma |
$CR | CR code (0Dh) |
$LF | LF code (0Ah) |
$DE | DElete the last parameter |
16.4. UFC Command | Page 64 |