Lincoln Electric IM827-D manual Parameter Definition Gun Offset Adjustment, TIG Gas Control

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Gun Offset Adjustment





Range: -30 to 30 (default = 0)





Adjusts the wire feed speed calibration of the pull motor of a push-pull gun. This should only be




performed when other possible corrections do not solve any push-pull feeding problems. An




rpm meter is required to perform the pull gun motor offset calibration. To perform the calibration




procedure do the following:





• Release the pressure arm on both the pull and push wire drives.





• Set the wire feed speed to 200 ipm.





• Remove wire from the pull wire drive.





• Hold an rpm meter to the drive roll in the pull gun.





• Pull the trigger on the push-pull gun.





• Measure the rpm of the pull motor. The rpm should be between 115 and 125 rpm. If neces-




sary, decrease the calibration setting to slow the pull motor, or increase the calibration setting




to speed up the motor.










TIG Gas Control





Allows control over which gas solenoid actuates while TIG welding.





• Valve (manual) = No MIG solenoid will actuate while TIG welding, gas flow is manually con-




trolled by an external valve.





• Feeder Solenoid = The internal (feeder) MIG solenoid will turn on and off automatically while




TIG welding.





• Power source Solenoid = Any gas solenoid connected to the power source will turn on and off




automatically while TIG welding.










• Preflow is not available while TIG welding.





• Postflow is available - the same postflow time will be used in MIG and TIG.





• When machine output on/off is controlled via the upper right knob, gas flow will not start until




the tungsten touches the work. Gas flow will continue when the arc is broken until the




Postflow time expires.





• When machine output on/off is controlled via an arc start switch or foot Amptrol, gas will begin




flowing when the output is turned on and will continue flowing until the output is turned off and




the Postflow time expires.










Crater Delay





Range: Off to 10.0 seconds (default = Off)





Used to skip the Crater sequence when making short tack welds. If the trigger is released




before the timer expires, Crater will be bypassed and the weld will end. If the trigger is released




after the timer expires, the Crater sequence will function normally (if enabled).










Reset Consumable Weight





Only appears in the list with systems using Production Monitoring. Use this option to reset the




initial weight of the consumable package. Press the right Mode Select Button to reset the con-




sumable weight.














Image 36
Contents Power Feed 10M Wire Feeder Safety Depends on YouSafety California Proposition 65 WarningsElectric Shock can kill Welding and Cutting Sparks can Cause fire or explosion IiiPrécautions DE Sûreté Please Examine Carton and Equipment For Damage Immediately On-Line Product RegistrationTAbLE of Contents TAbLE of Contents Installation SPEC.# Type Input PowerTemperature Rating Power Feed 10M Single Wire FeederWire Drive Mounting See Figure A.1 Electric Shock can killLocation MountingWeld CAbLE SIzING Weld CAbLE ConnectionWeld CAbLE SIzES Electrode LeadCOAxIAL Weld CAbLES Negative Electrode PolarityControl CAbLE Specifications Control CAbLE ConnectionsAVAILAbLE Control CAbLE Changing Drive Rolls and Wire Guides DescriptionDrive Roll Pressure Setting Changing the GUN Receiver bUSHINGSet the drive roll pressure by To change the gun bushingWelding GUNS, Torches and ACCES- Sories GUN Receiver bUSHINGMagnum GUN and CAbLE ASSEMbLIES Wire Feed Shut Down Circuit Changing the Gear RatioTo change the gear ratio Wire Reel Loading DIP Switch #8 Position Gear RatioSpindle Placement Loading 16 to 44 lb .3 20kg SpoolsUsing K1504-1 Coil Reel Figure A.10Weld Wire Routing Loading 30 lb .6 kg Readi-Reels See Figure A.11Removing a Readi-Reel 13INSTALLATIONA-13 Shielding GAS ConnectionExAMPLES of Connecting AN Arclink Power Wave System BOOM Configuration Wire DriveControl bOx CV Welding Pulse Welding or STT WeldingOperation Fumes and Gases can be dangerousWelding Sparks can cause fire or explosion ARC Rays can burnDefinitions of Welding Modes Common Welding AbbREVIATIONSProduct Description Recommended ProcessesRequired Equipment Additional Required EquipmentProcess Limitations Equipment LimitationsFront Panel Controls and Connections Status LED Volts / Trim Display and Output KNOb Prior to WeldingSynergic CV Voltage Display Mode Select Panel 4 MSP4 OverviewLAYOUT-CONTROLS see Figure b.3 LAYOUT-DIGITAL DisplayPOWER-UP Sequence Changing Weld ModesChanging ARC Wave Control Infrared IR ControlLimit Setting Machine SETUP/USER PreferencesAccessing the Machine Setup Menu SET-UP Features Menu Figure b.3a Setup MenuUser Defined Parameters Parameter Definition Procedure Change Method Stall Factor AdjustmentParameter Definition Gun Offset Adjustment Crater DelayReset Consumable Weight TIG Gas ControlArc Start/Loss Error Time Definition Push-Pull Gun Knob behaviorDisplay Trim as Volts Option Sense From Studs100 View Diagnostics 107 View Power Source ProtocolParameter Definition Show Test Modes 101 View Event LogsCold Feed / GAS Purge Switch Step / 4-STEP Trigger Switch Step TriggerStep Trigger Operation Step Trigger Operation Sequence of OperationFigure b.5 Process Setup and Operation Non- SynergicModes Steel and Stainless Synergic GMAW-P Pulsed MIG Welding ARC ControlPulse-on-Pulse Welding Machine Functionality bY Weld Process CC Stick ModesProcess Weld Mode Output Control KNObS, Weld Mode 5CV GMAW/FCAW NON-SYNERGIC CV NON-SYNERGIC ModesWire SIzE 030 035 045 052 Gmaw SynergicSynergic CV Modes Material Process GASWire SIzE Pulse and PULSE-ON-PULSE SynergicPulse and PULSE-0N-PULSE Modes STT and STT II Synergic STT and STT II Modes035 045 052 Gtaw TIG Welding Gtaw Touch Start TIG WeldingTouch Start TIG All Metals Touch Start TIGDIP Switch Settings User MemoriesLimit Setting High LimitLow Limit AttributeAccessories OptionalAccessories Lb. coils to 2 spindles Maintenance Safety PrecautionsRoutine Maintenance CALIbRATION Specification1TROUbLESHOOTINGE-1 PRObLEMS POSSIbLE Symptoms Cause Course of ActionRecommended ErrNo Heart beat response from See what to Do on Err Error Codes for the Power Wave TROUbLESHOOTING Symptoms OtherPRObLEMS Cause Recommended Course of ActionThree Dashes LINC-NET System Error Codes Error CodesArclink System Error Codes Field Service FacilityYour local Lincoln Authorized PRObLEMS POSSIbLE Output PRObLEMS TROUbLESHOOTING Recommended Diagrams Power Feed 10M Single WireFeeder Diagrams Dimension Print 14.56 18.48 15.8030.46 Precaucion Warnung