Lincoln Electric IM827-D manual TROUbLESHOOTING

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Observe all Safety Guidelines detailed throughout this manual

Error Codes for the Power Wave 455: Code 10675 and above.


As a troubleshooter aid, error code information will now persist on the user interface displays even after the fault is cleared. When a fault occurs that the user interface needs to display, welding will be inhibited for 5 seconds. If the fault has cleared, the error code information can then be removed from the displays by pressing the Reset button, by changing a user interface control or by starting a new weld.

The following is a list of possible error codes that the Power Feed10M Dual Wire Feeder can output via the dis- play on this user interface.

Note: For any Err # listed below write down the error number for reference and try cycling power to see if the error clears itself. If not, refer to the What to Do column for the given Err.










Display shows any of the following:






Err 34

Capacitor "A" under voltage

Excess voltage on the main capaci-


(Left side facing machine)

tors. May be caused by improper



input configuration.



When accompanied by an undervolt-

Err 35


age error on the same side, it indi-



cates no capacitor voltage present



on that side, and is usually the result


Capacitor "B" under voltage

of an open or short in the primary


(Right side facing machine)

side of the machine.




Err 36

Thermal error

Indicates over temperature. Usually



accompanied by Thermal LED.



Check fan operation. Be sure



process does not exceed duty cycle



limit of the machine.




Err 37

Softstart error

Capacitor precharge failed. Usually



accompanied by codes 32-35.




Err 41

Secondary overcurrent error

The secondary (weld) current limit



has been exceeded. When this



occurs the machine output will



phase back to 100 amps, typically



resulting in a condition referred to as



"noodle welding"



NOTE: For the Power Wave 455/R



the secondary limit is 570 amps for



the standard stud, and 325 amps for



the STT stud and all single phase







Err 43

Capacitor delta error

The maximum voltage difference



between the main capacitors has



been exceeded. May be accompa-



nied by errors 32-35.





If for any reason you do not understand the test procedures or are unable to perform the tests/repairs safely, contact your Local Lincoln Authorized Field Service Facility for technical troubleshooting assistance before you proceed.


Image 61
Contents Safety Depends on You Power Feed 10M Wire FeederCalifornia Proposition 65 Warnings SafetyElectric Shock can kill Iii Welding and Cutting Sparks can Cause fire or explosionPrécautions DE Sûreté On-Line Product Registration Please Examine Carton and Equipment For Damage ImmediatelyTAbLE of Contents TAbLE of Contents SPEC.# Type Input Power InstallationTemperature Rating Power Feed 10M Single Wire FeederElectric Shock can kill Wire Drive Mounting See Figure A.1Location MountingWeld CAbLE Connection Weld CAbLE SIzINGWeld CAbLE SIzES Electrode LeadNegative Electrode Polarity COAxIAL Weld CAbLESControl CAbLE Connections Control CAbLE SpecificationsAVAILAbLE Control CAbLE Description Changing Drive Rolls and Wire GuidesChanging the GUN Receiver bUSHING Drive Roll Pressure SettingSet the drive roll pressure by To change the gun bushingGUN Receiver bUSHING Welding GUNS, Torches and ACCES- SoriesMagnum GUN and CAbLE ASSEMbLIES Changing the Gear Ratio Wire Feed Shut Down CircuitTo change the gear ratio DIP Switch #8 Position Gear Ratio Wire Reel LoadingSpindle Placement Loading 16 to 44 lb .3 20kg SpoolsFigure A.10 Using K1504-1 Coil ReelLoading 30 lb .6 kg Readi-Reels See Figure A.11 Weld Wire RoutingRemoving a Readi-Reel Shielding GAS Connection 13INSTALLATIONA-13ExAMPLES of Connecting AN Arclink Power Wave System Wire Drive BOOM ConfigurationControl bOx CV Welding Pulse Welding or STT WeldingFumes and Gases can be dangerous OperationWelding Sparks can cause fire or explosion ARC Rays can burnCommon Welding AbbREVIATIONS Definitions of Welding ModesProduct Description Recommended ProcessesAdditional Required Equipment Required EquipmentProcess Limitations Equipment LimitationsFront Panel Controls and Connections Status LED Prior to Welding Volts / Trim Display and Output KNObSynergic CV Voltage Display Overview Mode Select Panel 4 MSP4LAYOUT-CONTROLS see Figure b.3 LAYOUT-DIGITAL DisplayChanging Weld Modes POWER-UP SequenceChanging ARC Wave Control Infrared IR ControlMachine SETUP/USER Preferences Limit SettingAccessing the Machine Setup Menu Figure b.3a Setup Menu SET-UP Features MenuUser Defined Parameters Stall Factor Adjustment Parameter Definition Procedure Change MethodCrater Delay Parameter Definition Gun Offset AdjustmentReset Consumable Weight TIG Gas ControlDefinition Push-Pull Gun Knob behavior Arc Start/Loss Error TimeDisplay Trim as Volts Option Sense From Studs107 View Power Source Protocol 100 View DiagnosticsParameter Definition Show Test Modes 101 View Event LogsStep Trigger Cold Feed / GAS Purge Switch Step / 4-STEP Trigger SwitchStep Trigger Operation Sequence of Operation Step Trigger OperationFigure b.5 Non- Synergic Process Setup and OperationModes ARC Control Steel and Stainless Synergic GMAW-P Pulsed MIG WeldingPulse-on-Pulse Welding CC Stick Modes Machine Functionality bY Weld ProcessOutput Control KNObS, Weld Mode 5 Process Weld ModeCV GMAW/FCAW NON-SYNERGIC CV NON-SYNERGIC ModesGmaw Synergic Wire SIzE 030 035 045 052Synergic CV Modes Material Process GASPulse and PULSE-ON-PULSE Synergic Wire SIzEPulse and PULSE-0N-PULSE Modes STT and STT II Modes STT and STT II Synergic035 045 052 Gtaw Touch Start TIG Welding Gtaw TIG WeldingTouch Start TIG All Metals Touch Start TIGUser Memories DIP Switch SettingsHigh Limit Limit SettingLow Limit AttributeOptional AccessoriesAccessories Lb. coils to 2 spindles Safety Precautions MaintenanceRoutine Maintenance CALIbRATION Specification1TROUbLESHOOTINGE-1 Symptoms Cause Course of Action PRObLEMS POSSIbLERecommended ErrNo Heart beat response from See what to Do on Err Error Codes for the Power Wave TROUbLESHOOTING Other SymptomsCause Recommended Course of Action PRObLEMSThree Dashes Error Codes LINC-NET System Error CodesField Service Facility Arclink System Error CodesYour local Lincoln Authorized PRObLEMS POSSIbLE Output PRObLEMS TROUbLESHOOTING Recommended Power Feed 10M Single Wire DiagramsFeeder Diagrams 14.56 18.48 15.80 Dimension Print30.46 Precaucion Warnung