Lincoln Electric IM827-D manual Step Trigger Operation, Sequence of Operation

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(See Figure B.4)

Sometimes it is advantageous to set specific arc start, crater and arc ending parameters for the ideal weld. Many times when welding aluminum crater control is necessary to make a good weld. This is done by set- ting Start, Crater and Burnback functions to desired values.


Following is the total weld sequence that the Power Feed™ 10M Single Wire Feeder will execute. If any parameter is inactive or its time is set to zero, the weld procedure immediately shifts to the next parameter in the sequence.

1.PREFLOW: Shielding gas begins to flow immedi- ately when the gun trigger is pulled.

2.STRIKE: After preflow time expires, the power source regulates to the start output and wire is advanced towards the work piece at the Strike WFS. If an arc is not established within 1.5 sec- onds, the power source output and wire feed speed skips to the weld settings.

3.UPSLOPE: Once the wire touches the work and an arc is established, both the machine output and the wire feed speed ramp to the weld settings through- out the start time. The time period of ramping from the start settings to the weld settings is called UPS- LOPE.

4.WELD: After upslope, the power source output and the wire feed speed continue at the weld settings.

5.CRATER: As soon as the trigger is released, the wire feed speed and power source output ramp to the crater settings throughout the crater time. The time period of ramping from the weld settings to the crater settings is called DOWNSLOPE.

6.BURNBACK: After the crater time expires, the wire feed speed is turned OFF and the machine output continues for the burnback time.

7.POSTFLOW: Next, the machine output is turned OFF and shielding gas continues until the post flow timer expires.




Trigger Pulled


Arc Established









Shield ing On Gas


Trigger Released

Downslope Burnback






















































































































































































































































St art t ime


Crater ti me






1.5 sec max .




So urce











Out pu t












B urnback Time



WFS Crater




Image 40
Contents Power Feed 10M Wire Feeder Safety Depends on YouSafety California Proposition 65 WarningsElectric Shock can kill Welding and Cutting Sparks can Cause fire or explosion IiiPrécautions DE Sûreté Please Examine Carton and Equipment For Damage Immediately On-Line Product RegistrationTAbLE of Contents TAbLE of Contents Installation SPEC.# Type Input PowerTemperature Rating Power Feed 10M Single Wire FeederWire Drive Mounting See Figure A.1 Electric Shock can killLocation MountingWeld CAbLE SIzING Weld CAbLE ConnectionWeld CAbLE SIzES Electrode LeadCOAxIAL Weld CAbLES Negative Electrode PolarityControl CAbLE Connections Control CAbLE SpecificationsAVAILAbLE Control CAbLE Changing Drive Rolls and Wire Guides DescriptionDrive Roll Pressure Setting Changing the GUN Receiver bUSHINGSet the drive roll pressure by To change the gun bushingGUN Receiver bUSHING Welding GUNS, Torches and ACCES- SoriesMagnum GUN and CAbLE ASSEMbLIES Changing the Gear Ratio Wire Feed Shut Down CircuitTo change the gear ratio Wire Reel Loading DIP Switch #8 Position Gear RatioSpindle Placement Loading 16 to 44 lb .3 20kg SpoolsUsing K1504-1 Coil Reel Figure A.10Loading 30 lb .6 kg Readi-Reels See Figure A.11 Weld Wire RoutingRemoving a Readi-Reel 13INSTALLATIONA-13 Shielding GAS ConnectionExAMPLES of Connecting AN Arclink Power Wave System BOOM Configuration Wire DriveControl bOx CV Welding Pulse Welding or STT WeldingOperation Fumes and Gases can be dangerousWelding Sparks can cause fire or explosion ARC Rays can burnDefinitions of Welding Modes Common Welding AbbREVIATIONSProduct Description Recommended ProcessesRequired Equipment Additional Required EquipmentProcess Limitations Equipment LimitationsFront Panel Controls and Connections Status LED Prior to Welding Volts / Trim Display and Output KNObSynergic CV Voltage Display Mode Select Panel 4 MSP4 OverviewLAYOUT-CONTROLS see Figure b.3 LAYOUT-DIGITAL DisplayPOWER-UP Sequence Changing Weld ModesChanging ARC Wave Control Infrared IR ControlMachine SETUP/USER Preferences Limit SettingAccessing the Machine Setup Menu SET-UP Features Menu Figure b.3a Setup MenuUser Defined Parameters Parameter Definition Procedure Change Method Stall Factor AdjustmentParameter Definition Gun Offset Adjustment Crater DelayReset Consumable Weight TIG Gas ControlArc Start/Loss Error Time Definition Push-Pull Gun Knob behaviorDisplay Trim as Volts Option Sense From Studs100 View Diagnostics 107 View Power Source ProtocolParameter Definition Show Test Modes 101 View Event LogsStep Trigger Cold Feed / GAS Purge Switch Step / 4-STEP Trigger SwitchStep Trigger Operation Step Trigger Operation Sequence of OperationFigure b.5 Non- Synergic Process Setup and OperationModes Steel and Stainless Synergic GMAW-P Pulsed MIG Welding ARC ControlPulse-on-Pulse Welding Machine Functionality bY Weld Process CC Stick ModesProcess Weld Mode Output Control KNObS, Weld Mode 5CV GMAW/FCAW NON-SYNERGIC CV NON-SYNERGIC ModesWire SIzE 030 035 045 052 Gmaw SynergicSynergic CV Modes Material Process GASPulse and PULSE-ON-PULSE Synergic Wire SIzEPulse and PULSE-0N-PULSE Modes STT and STT II Modes STT and STT II Synergic035 045 052 Gtaw TIG Welding Gtaw Touch Start TIG WeldingTouch Start TIG All Metals Touch Start TIGDIP Switch Settings User MemoriesLimit Setting High LimitLow Limit AttributeAccessories OptionalAccessories Lb. coils to 2 spindles Maintenance Safety PrecautionsRoutine Maintenance CALIbRATION Specification1TROUbLESHOOTINGE-1 PRObLEMS POSSIbLE Symptoms Cause Course of ActionRecommended ErrNo Heart beat response from See what to Do on Err Error Codes for the Power Wave TROUbLESHOOTING Symptoms OtherCause Recommended Course of Action PRObLEMSThree Dashes LINC-NET System Error Codes Error CodesField Service Facility Arclink System Error CodesYour local Lincoln Authorized PRObLEMS POSSIbLE Output PRObLEMS TROUbLESHOOTING Recommended Power Feed 10M Single Wire DiagramsFeeder Diagrams 14.56 18.48 15.80 Dimension Print30.46 Precaucion Warnung