dbx Pro manual 166XL as a Line Amplifier, Frequency-Weighted Compression Sidechain Application

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vocalistÕs whispers are heard more clearly. The OverEasy curve available with the 166XL permits a very high amount of compression (RATIO of 10:1 or greater) to be used in many situations. This allows dynamic speakers, vocalists and other musicians to concentrate on their presentation or performance without worrying about the ill effects of volume changes.

Using Your EQ to Reduce Feedback in Live Settings (Indoor and Outdoor Concerts, Churches)

You can use your 166XL and EQ (equalizer) to reduce feedback in clubs, churches, outdoor concerts and other live set- tings. Patch or insert the 166XL into the main output of a mixer, set the 166XL to Hard Knee mode and slowly increase OUTPUT GAIN until the first feedback ÒringÓ occurs, then set up the 166XL with its RATIO at °:1 and THRESHOLD low. The 166XL will catch the first feedback ring and hold it as a constant tone so you can adjust your EQ to minimize it. Continue to increase your console gain and set your EQ until the next 3 or 4 ÒringÓ frequencies have been compensated for.

The 166XL as a Line Amplifier

To use the 166XL as a line amplifier, adjust the RATIO control fully counterclockwise (1:1 position), THRESHOLD fully clockwise (+20), PeakStop to +20 and OUTPUT GAIN to whatever setting is required for the application. Remember, excessive gain may lead to output clipping of high level signals. To add compression, adjust the RATIO and the THRESHOLD controls to the desired settings.

Frequency-Weighted Compression (Sidechain Application)

It is possible to separate certain vocals and instruments from a mix by frequency-weighted compression. With an equal- izer (such as a dbx 20 Series or 30 Series EQ) inline ahead of the SIDECHAIN INSERT (but not in the audio path), the equalization settings do not shift the timbre or frequency response of the audio signal. They merely alter the threshold response of the compressor on a Òfrequency-weightedÓ basis.

With this arrangement, raising certain frequencies on the equalizer causes them to be suppressed in the audio signal. A relatively high THRESHOLD setting can allow normal sounds to be unaffected while solo and very loud sounds are com- pressed. (Of course, when compression occurs, the level of the entire program is affected - however, if the 166XLÕs CON- TOUR button is pressed in, even more of the signalÕs lower energy can be preserved.) Depending on the THRESHOLD setting, lower amplitude fundamentals or harmonics will not cause compression, and the program is not subject to the phase shift normally caused by program equalization.








Figure 3: Frequency-Weighted Compression

When recording cymbals and tom-toms, a compressor with an equalizer in the Sidechain path can help prevent analog tape saturation. The equalizer can be adjusted for boost with a peak of about 5kHz, causing the cymbal to be compressed on a very loud crash, stopping tape saturation at high frequencies, where there is less headroom. However, gentle tapping of a drumstick or brushing of the cymbal will not be affected. Assuming the tom-tom is a lower frequency instrument and can be better tolerated by the tape, it has less need for compression. Equalization in the Sidechain circuit means that the compressor is not triggered as readily by a loud tom-tom beat as by an equally loud cymbal crash.

The converse of the above EQ technique may be used: dipping the equalizer bands causes any sound with dominant energy in the affected register to pull the level up because the 166XL will detect a need for less compression.


To apply de-essing to vocals (i.e., a reduction of sibilance), use a parametric equalizer (e.g., a dbx 242) in the SIDECHAIN circuit and set it to boost the specific frequency range where the vocal ÒhissÓ or lisp occurs (generally in the 4kHz - 6kHz region). This pre-emphasizes the already ÒhissyÓ vocal input to the Sidechain. Used in conjunction with a moderate to high THRESHOLD and RATIO, and a fast Attack and Release setting, this arrangement greatly attenuates the ÒessingÓ without affecting the basic sound quality or balance of the voice. While it is true that all frequencies are lowered in level when the compressor is triggered, generally the ÒsssÓ sound occurs alone, before or after the dominant tone in the voice.

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Contents Model 166XL Declaration of Conformity English Manual ContentsOperating Controls EXPANDER/GATE SectionIntroduction InspectionCompressor Section Output Gain Control Auto Switch and LEDCompressor Ratio Control Compressor Attack and Release ControlRear Panel Limiter SectionMaster Section Operating Notes Expander/Gate ApplicationsFattening Kick Drums and Compressing Other Drums Frequency-Sensitive GatingBasic Compressor Applications Smoothing Out Variations in Microphone LevelsRaising Average Level in PA Systems Raising a Signal Out of a MixPreventing Analog Tape Saturation Preventing Digital OverloadDe-Essing Frequency-Weighted Compression Sidechain Application166XL as a Line Amplifier Basic Connection Connecting the 166XL to Your SystemPatch Bay Using the Sidechain InsertSpecific System Connections Mixing BoardTechnical SUPPORT, Factory Service Input/Output Cable ConfigurationsInstallation Considerations Shipping Instructions Registration Card and User FeedbackFace Avant CommandesSection NOISE/GATE Section CompresseurRŽglage des Temps Dattaque et de Relachement Commande RatioTouche Overeasy Touche et tŽmoin Bypass Section Limiteur DE CretesTouche Automatique Output Gain gain de sortiePanneau Arrire Section MasterModification de la qualitŽ du son Commande ˆ dŽclenchement externeCommande de porte en fonction de la frŽquence Section Expander/GateLissage des variations de niveau dÕun micro Utilisations ŽlŽmentaires du circuit de compressionEmpcher la surcharge numŽrique Faire ressortir un signal dans un son mixŽEmpcher la saturation de la bande dÕenregistrement Compression pondŽrŽe en frŽquence insertion Sidechain Augmentation du niveau moyen des systmes de sonorisationUtilisation du 166XL comme amplificateur de ligne Raccordement DU 166XL AU Systeme DE Sonorisation Raccordement gŽnŽralTable de mixage Utilisation du circuit Sidechain InsertRaccordement ˆ des dispositifs particuliers Amplification Configurations de c‰blage entrŽe/sortieConfigurations de c‰blage de lÕentrŽe DispatchingExpŽdition Assistance Technique ET Service UsineConsidŽrations de c‰blage de sortie Mise ˆ la terreGarantiebedingungen EinleitungKontrolle Frontplatte BedienelementeEXPANDER/GATE-Sektion KOMPRESSOR-SektionCompressor ATTACK- und RELEASE-Regler OVEREASY-TasteCompressor RATIO-Regler BYPASS-Taste und -LEDs LIMITER-SektionAUTO-Taste Output GAIN-ReglerRŸckseite MASTER-SektionBedienungshinweise Expander/Gate-AnwendungenAusgleichen von Pegelschwankungen bei Mikrofonen Grundlegende Kompressor-AnwendungenLautsprecherschutz Hervorheben eines Signals aus der MischungVermeidung von BandsŠttigung Vermeidung von †bersteuerungen bei digitalen AufnahmenFrequenzselektive Kompression Der dbx 166XL als LeitungsverstŠrkerANSCHLIE§EN DES DBX 166XL AN Ihre Anlage Allgemeine HinweiseMischpult Sidechain INSERT-BuchseVerkabelung fŸr spezielle Anwendungen ANSCHLU§HINWEISE Beschaltung der Ein- und AusgŠngeRegistrierungs- und Antwortkarte Service UND KundendienstInspeccion IntroduccionPanel Delantero GarantiaControles Operativos Secci-n de EXPANDER/GATE expansor/compuertaSecci-n de Compressor circuito de compresi-n Control de Output Gain ganancia de salida Control AttackControl Release Conmutador AutoPanel Trasero Secci-n Limiter limitadorSecci-n Master Jack de Sidechain Insert circuito de inserci-n Aplicaciones del circuito expansor/de compuertaNotas Para EL Operador Modificaci-n de la calidad del sonidoSuavizaci-n de las variaciones de nivel de un micr-fono Mando externoMando de compuerta en funci-n de la frecuencia Aplicaciones b‡sicas de la compresi-nPrevenci-n de saturaci-n de la cinta magnŽtica Mo hacer resaltar una se-al de una mezclaUso dl 166XL como amplificador de l’nea Prevenci-n de la sobrecarga digitalSistemas de altoparlantes de m‡ltiples v’as Reducci-n de los sonidos sibilantesSostenimiento de la se-al Preacentuaci-n para las aplicaciones de difusi-n Conexiones b‡sicasConexion DEL 166XL AL Sistema DE Sonido Uso de un filtro en el circuito SidechainTablero de conexiones Çpatch bayÈ Conexiones a dispositivos espec’ficosConsola de mezcla Instalaci-n elŽctrica Configuraci-n de cables de entrada/salidaConsideraciones Para LA Instalacion Reforzamiento de sonidoTarjeta de registro y comentarios de los usuarios Asistencia TƒCNICA Y Servicio DE FabricaFemale XLR-TYPE to Stereo Phone Plug Cmrr Specifications0dBu =0.775Vrms Dbx 166XL Compressor / Gate Page Harman International Company